View Full Version : Todler Critically Injured During Police Raid

Acid Trip
05-30-2014, 03:13 PM
Way to go you stupid fucking paramilitary wannabe twats.


(WAOK) Atlanta – A 19-month-old toddler was critically injured after a police flash bang was tossed into his bed during a police raid at a Habersham County home on Wednesday.

“It’s my baby. He’s my only baby. He didn’t deserve any of this,” said Alecia Phonesavanh, the mother of the child.

“It landed in his playpen and exploded right in his face,” said Phonesavanh.

The child is now being treated at Grady hospital and has a 50 percent chance of survival.

“He’s in the burn unit. We got to see him and his whole face is ripped open. He has a big cut on his chest,” said Phonesavanh. “He’s only 19 months old, he didn’t do anything.”

The sheriff’s department said they had no idea there were children in the house.

“There was no clothes, no toys, nothing to indicate that there was children present in the home. If there had been then we’d have done something different,” said Cornelia police chief Rick Darby.

The child’s parents have contacted the GBI but were told no further investigation was needed.

05-30-2014, 03:26 PM
be interested to see why they felt the need to go in with that much force , take it this wasn't a non payer of a speeding ticket

Acid Trip
05-30-2014, 04:00 PM
be interested to see why they felt the need to go in with that much force , take it this wasn't a non payer of a speeding ticket

This is my favorite part: “There was no clothes, no toys, nothing to indicate that there was children present in the home. If there had been then we’d have done something different,” said Cornelia police chief Rick Darby."

You mean no evidence other than THE BABIES CRIB you threw the flashbang in?!"

05-30-2014, 04:41 PM
They also dont mention that the guy they were after was arrested, they dont say for what. But it sounds like he may have brought this horrible situation on himself.

05-30-2014, 04:55 PM
"They saw someone buy drugs there"

"we went through that door specifically because that was the door we saw drugs purchase through"

reeeeaaaalllly, now?

Teh One Who Knocks
05-30-2014, 04:55 PM
They also dont mention that the guy they were after was arrested, they dont say for what. But it sounds like he may have brought this horrible situation on himself.

Exactly....better story with a lot more details here: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/toddler-critically-injured-police-raid-ga-home-article-1.1811117

That family wasn't even supposed to be at that house, that's why the cops didn't know there was a baby there. It was a meth raid.

Noilly Pratt
05-30-2014, 05:25 PM
If there was drug dealing going on here, shame on the parents for having kids nearby.

But more shameful was the lack of training on the police's part to not understand the scenario they were putting themselves in or to alter their response upon seeing a kid in a crib. Sounds like they rushed in without knowing all the facts.

05-30-2014, 05:28 PM
"They saw someone buy drugs there"

"we went through that door specifically because that was the door we saw drugs purchase through"

reeeeaaaalllly, now?

you speaking crap here or do you have a link ?

05-30-2014, 05:45 PM
you speaking crap here or do you have a link ?

Habersham County Sheriff Joey Terrell says this is exactly how he wants his raiders to perform, and has no qualms about performing identical raids on residents in his county in the future.

“The door that we entered was the door that we bought dope out of – that’s why entered at that door,” Terrell said. “Our team went by the book. Given the same scenario, we’ll do the same thing again. I stand behind what our team did.”

“We keep asking ourselves, ‘how did this happen?’,” Terrell callously continued. “No one can answer that – you can’t answer that. You try and do everything right. Bad things can happen. That’s just the world we live in. Bad things happen to good people.”

The casualties of the War on Drugs are not as unavoidable as Sheriff Terrell wants people to believe. Had the government not violently intervened, the toddler would be OK. The prohibition against plants and substances poses a far greater threat to Americans than allowing them to have the freedom to purchase and ingest things without government oversight. So long as state-sanctioned violence is used to prevent people from getting high, so too will the needless bloodshed of innocents.

But don’t expect Prohibition Part II to end while drug warriors like Sheriff Terrell are in charge. He went on to say that he believes drug crime tantamount to terrorism.

“The person I blame in this whole thing is the person selling the drugs,” the sheriff continued. “They don’t care about what it does to families. It’s domestic terrorism and I think we should treat them as such.“

“We hate that this happened,” Terrell said. “This tears our soul out, but we cannot stop standing up and being the thin blue line against those who don’t care about, who want to do the domestic terrorism and sell dope and make the money. We’re still going to stand between them and still do our job – we’ve got to.”


police state murica, fuck yeah, we'd do it again in a heartbeat

05-30-2014, 05:56 PM
dont get me wrong, I think meth is a scourge, but to even suggest that police care about humans anywhere near as much as they care what order their captain barks at them, you've got to be deluding yourself. you get a wacko captain and you get wacko police force. this is what the book says so we follow it with no questions, no problem busting down anyone's house whether its even the right one or not, any casualties, oops sorry, fuck yeah, we had to come in here and fuck the place up so that we can make the world a better place. :roll:

05-30-2014, 05:57 PM


police state murica, fuck yeah, we'd do it again in a heartbeat

just read that where is this bit

"They saw someone buy drugs there"

"we went through that door specifically because that was the door we saw drugs purchase through"

reeeeaaaalllly, now?


also love how police flash bang was turned into grenade in that report :roll:

05-30-2014, 06:00 PM
they've been called flash bang grenades forever dude.

oh right, *ahem* its not that its a "distraction device"

05-30-2014, 06:04 PM

here they explain it much better.

see, a toddler was merely burned by a distraction device.

its not like he had a fkn flash bang grenade blow up in his face, right?

anyone selling any type of drug is now a domestic terrorist

well, unless of course you are a pharmaceutical company, those are all perfectly legal, because there's money to be made.

those illegal ones, only little people make money off of, and we cant have that.

no knock intrusions are just a recipe for disaster and they should not be used.

05-30-2014, 06:23 PM
no knock intrusions are just a recipe for disaster and they should not be used

police *knock knock* "please can we come in"

drug dealer inside " one moment just need to use the bath room " *flush*

drug dealer " look officers nothing in this house "

05-30-2014, 06:30 PM
police "this guy was involved in a case where a weapon was involved"

police "ok, that means we need to go in hard and fast"

uncommon sense "if an undercover cop already bought drugs off the guy, why does a swat team have to show up at his house at night, introduce themselves with a flashbanggrenade, automatic weapons pointed and ready to light the first motherfucker up they see with anything that remotely looks like a weapon"

police "we dont have time for anything else, let's go git im boys"

yeah, best to do it when the family's all there. dont they watch a place for a bit before they go busting in? well, we just didnt know that anyone else was in the house....bull shit you guys didnt. I dont know what the problem is with casing the house and waiting for the guy to leave instead of sending a swat team in. fuck the police state, fuck swat teams.

SWAT = served with asshole tact

05-30-2014, 06:41 PM
I have a friend in the DEA (I know, I know) I was speaking to him recently about these raids. This kind of thing isn't common practice if the perp has not had prior weapons issues. But, if they have, which this guy had, they dont take any chances.

05-30-2014, 06:45 PM
Story was, they no knocked the house at 3 am because an undercover officer bought 1 oz of weed from them previously in the day.

That child is horribly disfigured and probably brain dead because of 1 oz of weed and a militarized police force.

05-30-2014, 06:51 PM
Where did you see it was weed

Acid Trip
05-30-2014, 06:56 PM
"We had prior information on it," Terrell said of the circumstances of the home and its occupants. "The individual had been involved in an altercation with another male involving a possible AK-47 [rifle] several months ago, and he was arrested on some weapons charges. Supposedly that was about drugs."

The County Sheriff sounds like a bumbling idiot.

05-30-2014, 06:56 PM
It also makes no mention if drugs were even found, which I assume means none were.

05-30-2014, 07:09 PM
Guess the only ones 100% to blame here are the parents for allowing their kid to be around all this shit

05-30-2014, 07:26 PM
Unless they raided the wrong house, I would have to agree

05-30-2014, 07:29 PM
I'm sure in the articles that were sympathetically worded towards the police, they would have mentioned if they actually found drugs in the home.

this one is very sympathetic towards the benevolent overlords and doesnt mention that they found anything whatsoever, just that they arrested the guy they were looking for.


glad you guys got your man :roll:

if everyone I ever knew that sold weed was locked up, I'd be a relatively lonely guy :lol:

05-30-2014, 07:34 PM
I still haven't seen anywhere that the drug was weed

05-30-2014, 07:36 PM
This is why it went bad

"Due to the previous information regarding assault-type weapons at the residence, the information regarding adult male subjects standing 'guard' in front of the residence, the fact that there was no safe way to approach the residence without being detected, the possibility of the destruction of evidence, and Wanis Thonetheva's criminal history which reflected charges of possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony and several charges of carrying a concealed weapon, agents contacted the Habersham County Sheriff's Office [Special Response Team] unit to assist with the execution of the search warrant and the securing of the residence," a report provided by Terrell states.

If not for that they wouldnt have taken this route.

05-30-2014, 07:38 PM
I have a friend in the DEA (I know, I know)


It could be worse for you. Half of your family and friends could be law enforcement in varying degrees like mine is.

05-30-2014, 07:40 PM

It could be worse for you. Half of your family and friends could be law enforcement in varying degrees like mine is.

He's the dad of my daughters friend, it was pretty uncomfortable at first, then I went to a BBQ at his place and they party like rockstars :lol: