View Full Version : Cops Called When Seattle Woman Spots Drone "Hovering" Outside Her Apartment Window

Teh One Who Knocks
06-25-2014, 12:19 PM
The Smoking Gun


A patrolman was summoned to a Seattle high-rise early Sunday morning when a female tenant reported that a drone was hovering outside her window and she was “worried that someone was trying to look in her apartment,” according to a police report.

The woman, a resident of the 37-story luxury Aspira tower, initially contacted the building’s concierge around 7:45 AM to report the drone. The building employee told a Seattle Police Department officer that they went outside the building’s main entrance and “observed two males who appeared to be operating the drone. Next to them was a tripod with what appeared to be a video camera.”

After a few minutes, the duo “packed up the drone” and their other equipment and departed the area in a white Mazda. While the concierge was unsure if there was “any recording or surveillance going on,” the worker called 911 to “make sure the Seattle Police were aware of the situation.”

Cops report that they are attempting to determine whether the operators of the unmanned aerial vehicle were captured on surveillance cameras near the downtown apartment building.

Noilly Pratt
06-25-2014, 03:18 PM
My nephew has one of these for his business...before officially flying it, he has to get insurance and his last job was for the local police so he's made sure he's known by them.

06-25-2014, 03:30 PM
I've never seen one....and I think if it was within baseball bat or broom handle distance I'd take a shot....and then claim ignorance when whatever entity complained

06-25-2014, 04:46 PM
was she hot? :-k