View Full Version : How Illinois shafts the mentally ill

08-06-2014, 02:25 AM
Chicago Tribune Op Ed by Tom Dart, Cook County Sheriff (Chicago and collar towns, including where I live)

For more than 50 years, the Tinley Park Mental Health Center served as the treatment facility for up to 1,900 mentally ill patients annually. These days, the patients have been left to fend for themselves as the building lies vacant — a stark and eerie reminder of everything that is wrong with Illinois' mental health system.

Since the 1960s, the number of beds in Illinois' state-run psychiatric hospitals has decreased to fewer than 1,500 from 35,000, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. The latest closures in 2012, including the Tinley Park center, coincided with Chicago shuttering half of its 12 mental health clinics. For decades, we were told that government was not turning its back on the mentally ill. Rather, these institutions would be replaced through "reinvesting in community care" — a more humane and cost-effective means of treating those patients.

Those of us within the mental health and law enforcement communities know the truth — the "reinvestments" never come to fruition. When these institutions close, the seriously ill patients end up on their own, often on the street with no support system to keep them stable or medicated. Inevitably, they suffer psychotic states and commit petty crimes that land them within the unyielding grip of the criminal justice system — caught in a revolving door between jail and the streets.

Indeed, mental illness has been effectively criminalized in Illinois. The same society that deemed the old mental asylums as abhorrent has witnessed the evolution of jails and prisons into the new asylums. Currently, the largest mental health hospital in Illinois is not even a hospital — it's Cook County Jail, which I oversee as sheriff. My office's conservative estimate is that one-third of the 10,000 inmates in custody suffer from serious mental illnesses.

This crisis is hardly isolated to Chicago or Cook County. This ongoing nightmare is spreading throughout the nation. According to the Treatment Advocacy Center, jails and prisons serve as the largest mental health institutions in 44 states. Additionally, 10 times as many mentally ill individuals are currently incarcerated as are residing in state hospitals. According to NAMI, states collectively cut $4.35 billion in mental health spending between 2009 to 2012. Illinois ranks as the third worst offender, following a 31.7 percent reduction in its mental health budget, according to NAMI. These cuts have had tangible effects on real people.

Who are these mentally ill men and women? Contrary to popular belief, they are not dangerous criminals. Yes, we have some violent mentally ill inmates in the Cook County Jail, but they are the exceptions. The vast majority of these inmates are charged with low-level crimes of survival: prostitution, trespassing, disorderly conduct. Many are facing drug charges — for those unable to get medication to make the voices in their heads go away, heroin is often the next best solution. They are, for the most part, good people who suffer from an illness beyond their control and simply need their government to have its priorities straight.

The fact is that doing right by the mentally ill will help address our state budget problems. Incarcerating just one seriously mentally ill inmate costs two to three times the rate of the average inmate, taking into account medications and enhanced security to protect against self-harm. For a fraction of that cost, we can empower new community health centers and establish comprehensive discharge planning. It's humane and fiscally prudent.

Here's just one example. I recently met Joseph, a 54-year-old inmate who has spent most of his adult life battling schizophrenia while shuffling in and out of prisons, nearly always for petty theft. A patient at Tinley Park Mental Health Center, he established quality relationships with the staff and had a stable medication schedule. When the center abruptly closed, he felt broken. No community-based alternative was ever provided for him. Within months, he reverted to self-medication and landed in jail for stealing a $248 handbag from Bloomingdale's while in a psychotic state. "I've been falling through the cracks a long time," he told me.

Joseph recently received a one-year sentence. That $248 purse will cost Illinois taxpayers in excess of $16,000, the annual price to house a prisoner in the state facility where Joseph now resides.

Joseph and tens of thousands like him in our state deserve a fair shot at leading productive and fulfilling lives. Instead, they are falling through the cracks of broken promises. Any further talk of "reinvesting" in mental health should be accompanied by concrete plans and budgets. It's time to help the most vulnerable among us.


In addition to just being flat out immoral, this is another piece of the puzzle on growing American prison populations.

08-06-2014, 12:40 PM
Thresholds CEO Mark Ishaug Responds to Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart Op Ed in Chicago Tribune

In his recent opinion piece, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart hit the nail on the head: By not adequately funding community-based mental health treatments and other parts of the continuum of care for people with mental illness, as well as affordable housing, in Illinois, we have effectively criminalized mental illness. We are sending people with mental illness to expensive institutions like jails, hospitals, and nursing homes with no clear path to recovery.

It is vital to realize that recovery from a serious mental illness is possible if the right treatment and support is made available. As Dart points out, even this high-level treatment is cost-effective for taxpayers, costing just a fraction of what institutionalization in jail, nursing homes or emergency rooms costs.

The estimated annual cost of community-based treatment for someone living with a serious mental illness plus affordable housing is roughly half the estimated annual cost of a year in jail or a nursing home. These institutions are not well-equipped to promote long-lasting recovery, so the cost is not reduced over time.

We need all levels of government to make a real commitment to investing in community-based treatment services and affordable housing. If we make this long-term investment, by our calculations in a recent study, the state can save more than 42 percent of the cost of providing mental health services in nursing homes or jails. The savings generated could then be reinvested into early treatment and wellness services in order to refocus the system toward early intervention, rather than costly crisis interventions that are unnecessarily flooding our jail and ER systems.

-Mark Ishaug, CEO, Thresholds, Chicago


Unique payer/provider partnership provides a model for Medicaid managed care and health coordinatio

Chicago, IL – Thresholds, Illinois’ largest provider of community-based services for persons with mental illnesses, and IlliniCare Health/Cenpatico, a subsidiary of Centene Corporation (NYSE: CNC), recently completed an innovative pilot program to improve the lives of IlliniCare’s most complex and highest-risk behavioral health patients.

Thresholds was paid a flat-rate to manage the care of the 50 most complex and highest-risk behavioral health patients enrolled in IlliniCare’s integrated care program. Many of these patients were not currently engaged in any sort of mental or physical healthcare services. Utilizing a strategy of “relentless engagement”, Thresholds’ team located the patients and built relationships that allowed them to engage in appropriate care specific to each individual.

This new personalized concept, combined with a flat fee that guaranteed payment, allowed Thresholds to creatively pursue the best options unique to each client. In a year-long pilot from March 1, 2013-February 28, 2014, Thresholds saw a 50% overall reduction in behavioral health admissions, a 55% reduction in 30-day readmissions, and a 58% reduction in 90-day readmissions. There was a 63% reduction in overall cost for psychiatric inpatient care.

“The results of the study are encouraging for the future of Medicaid managed care,” says Mark Ishaug, Thresholds CEO. “We hope to continue to deliver high-quality services that improve the lives of our clients through partnerships like this in the future, both with IlliniCare/Cenpatico and other managed care organizations. Together, we can improve lives, cut costs, and create an overall better experience of care for persons experiencing behavioral health challenges.”

Learn more about the tranformative effects of the pilot in this video showcasing Ruthie’s story:


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Basically what Thresholds found in the pilot is that they can house, feed, and treat mental ill patients cheaper than leaving them on the street and treating them in the ER for crisis after crisis after crisis.

I am not a proponent of government just giving money away. This actually costs less and keeps them out of the hospital/jail systems.