View Full Version : Is Buffett Breaking His Own Tax Stance in Burger King-Tim Hortons Deal?

Teh One Who Knocks
08-27-2014, 10:28 AM
By Neil Cavuto - FOX Business


Is it time to tell Warren Buffett to stuff it? Because the man who famously has argued the rich should pay their fair share in taxes, is a key investor in a deal that would help a company cut its tax bill.

Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway is helping finance Burger King Worldwide’s (BKW) merger with Canadian coffee-and-doughnut chain Tim Hortons. If that sounds a little odd to you, it should. Buffett has long argued many corporations and many rich individuals, period, aren’t paying what they should to Uncle Sam. Yet the Oracle of Omaha is an instrumental player in a deal that would allow Burger King to take advantage of a popular corporate tax loophole called a “tax inversion.” That’s when a company buys out a foreign player, then relocates its headquarters there.

President Obama has already spoken out against U.S. firms that try this perfectly legal tactic. Many argue he all but shamed Walgreens (WAG) from taking advantage of tax inversions. Both the White House and Congress fear that if a lot of U.S. companies took advantage of this maneuver, the U.S. government could be out billions of dollars in tax revenue.

So far, White House spokesman Josh Earnest hasn’t commented on the Burger King announcement, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has already made clear he’s looking at legislation banning inversions altogether.

What’s lost in this whole inversion argument is why companies are even considering it. Bottom line, it’s their bottom line. The financial incentive to migrate is just too strong. Even allowing for the fact that most corporations don’t pay the official top tax rate of close to 40%, they still pay considerably higher rates than their counterparts abroad. Some estimate Burger King setting up shop in Canada could save the fast food powerhouse north of $3 billion in taxes over the next decade.

The numbers are hard to crunch, but for any company seeking an edge, the financial benefits are hard to deny. Clearly, Buffett is good at crunching numbers. He is arguably the most successful investor who has ever lived. His astute partnership with Burger King’s controlling shareholder, 3G Capital Management shows an uncanny knack for appreciating value in supposedly stodgy mainstream brands. Remember that it was Berkshire that joined 3G in a $23 billion takeover of H.J. Heinz & Co., last year.

While both 3G and Buffett win kudos for their financial acumen, they also win their fair share of critics for how they wring out those financial gains. Their famous knack for improving margins at acquired companies comes largely through top-to-bottom cost cutting. There’s nothing wrong with garnering such savings, of course, but let’s just say when Buffett does it, he’s brilliant. When Mitt Romney was doing the same thing at Bain Capital: Not so brilliant. Actually, more like evil.

Leaving aside the media double standard on how the very rich get richer, step back and examine what Buffett is plunking down $3 billion in preferred equity for here – essentially an elaborate tax dodge that could allow a celebrated fast food giant to fast turn its operations around.

Again, there is nothing wrong with what Burger King is doing, or remotely illegal – for now – with how it is doing it. Nor is there anything wrong with a celebrated investor seizing on the appetizing tax savings of a Tim Hortons merger … and profiting from it.

But in Buffett’s case, it sets him up essentially against himself – and his oft-repeated claim those who have more should pay more in taxes. That doesn’t make this rags-to-riches investor any less a sage; maybe when it comes to needlessly paying more in taxes to a government that seems pretty good at squandering it, he’d prefer not being a stooge.

08-27-2014, 04:05 PM
He thinks the rules are shit, but why would he not play the game

Teh One Who Knocks
08-27-2014, 04:19 PM
He's nothing more than a big fucking hypocrite. He cries that billionaires shouldn't pay less in taxes than 'regular' people, yet that doesn't stop him from taking all his money in capital gains (where the tax rate is much less) instead of drawing a salary. And there's nothing stopping his hypocritical blowhard ass from just writing a check to the Treasury if he feels he isn't paying enough.

08-27-2014, 04:31 PM
He's playing by the rules, he thinks the laws should be changed, and I think hes right. But cutting a check for the government to waste isnt a solution either.

Teh One Who Knocks
08-27-2014, 04:32 PM
Then he should just STFU about saying he wishes he was paying more in taxes. It's all bullshit.

08-27-2014, 04:33 PM
I still have never seen him in concert..

08-27-2014, 04:33 PM
He's not as good as he used to be, the money has changed him

08-27-2014, 06:13 PM
:lol: you two

08-28-2014, 01:43 PM
He's not as good as he used to be, the money has changed him

He's playing 10 miles from my house this weekend. People my age (60+) trying to pretend they're party animals. Whooptee-Goddamn-do!
I'd rather have a barium enema than watch "Exhibit A" in the case for killing baby boomers trying to dance to his "Plink, plank, plunk" shit and singing along to the second biggest mope song in recorded history ("Come Monday").

"Aaargh! I'm a fucking realtor by day, pirate by night!" No, you're not! You're just a fool. I hope somebody puts a video of your pathetic efforts to regain your youth all over the internet; resulting in your kids and grandkids becoming objects of widespread derision, and as a result, declining your invitations for Thanksgiving dinners up until the day they shove you in a nursing home.

Seeing some of my acquaintances paying $100.00+ for tickets to this Danse Macabre, makes me yearn for the days when I spent $25.00 to see Sly Stone show up an hour late, and then proceeding to pass out in the middle of the second song.

My personal "Bucket List" is more self-satisfying than challenging, and I was pleased to cross off "Getting asked to leave a Margaritaville" last April in Las Vegas. Jimmy Buffett's brand isn't any more substantial than Ronald McDonald's, but at least Ronald has those cool houses where parents of sick kids get to stay for free.

And that's all I have to say about this.

08-28-2014, 03:41 PM

08-28-2014, 07:09 PM
He's playing 10 miles from my house this weekend. People my age (60+) trying to pretend they're party animals. Whooptee-Goddamn-do!
I'd rather have a barium enema than watch "Exhibit A" in the case for killing baby boomers trying to dance to his "Plink, plank, plunk" shit and singing along to the second biggest mope song in recorded history ("Come Monday").

"Aaargh! I'm a fucking realtor by day, pirate by night!" No, you're not! You're just a fool. I hope somebody puts a video of your pathetic efforts to regain your youth all over the internet; resulting in your kids and grandkids becoming objects of widespread derision, and as a result, declining your invitations for Thanksgiving dinners up until the day they shove you in a nursing home.

Seeing some of my acquaintances paying $100.00+ for tickets to this Danse Macabre, makes me yearn for the days when I spent $25.00 to see Sly Stone show up an hour late, and then proceeding to pass out in the middle of the second song.

My personal "Bucket List" is more self-satisfying than challenging, and I was pleased to cross off "Getting asked to leave a Margaritaville" last April in Las Vegas. Jimmy Buffett's brand isn't any more substantial than Ronald McDonald's, but at least Ronald has those cool houses where parents of sick kids get to stay for free.

And that's all I have to say about this.

Don't beat around the bush and sugarcoat it...let us know how you feel :lol:

08-29-2014, 11:34 AM
Epic rant :lol: :+1: