View Full Version : Video: Pro-Russian Member of Ukraine Parliament Thrown in Dumpster

09-23-2014, 08:05 PM

Last week, several Ukrainian citizens revolted against Vitaly Zhuravsky, a Pro-Russian member of the Ukrainian parliament, by picking him up and throwing him into a trash bin outside the parliament building in Kiev, Ukraine.

The video, which was taken with a bystander’s cell phone, shows several men shouting obscenities as they shove Zhuravsky into a bin of trash, and then proceed to berate him, while holding him down.

Vitaly Zhuravsky was a member of former President Viktor Yanukovich’s Party of the Regions. In addition to supporting the exiled President, Zhuravsky previously authored a bill criminalizing libel, and a bill severely tightening restrictions on anti-government protesters.

Zhuravsky’s bill regarding anti-government protestors came about in January, during the movement that led to the removal of Yanukovich.

According to ABC News, last week’s incident occurred as a result of a series of controversial votes by the Ukrainian parliament. One of the votes granted greater autonomy to two breakaway regions in east Ukraine, which were home to intense fighting by Russian-backed rebels, and another vote was one that ratified a trade association agreement between Ukraine and the European Union.

09-23-2014, 08:05 PM
I wish we could do this

09-23-2014, 08:20 PM
and we'll give 'em a molotov to sip while they're in there

fuck the nato kiev junta coup bullshit.