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10-07-2014, 08:22 PM
Lots of you know I know the Ukraine bullshit is total bullshit...a dear and respected friend of mine is actually from dontesk region (though doesnt live there any longer) and wrote this little analogy-story.



In a Parallel Universe

Many theoretical physicist today believe that we live in a multiverse, comprised of possibly an infinite number of parallel universes, some of which differ from each other only slightly, others, some more, and still others, very much. This idea was used a few years ago in the TV series “Fringe,” whose protagonists got to interact with a parallel universe almost, but not quite, the same as ours. E.g., in theirs, hi-tech zeppelins were a thriving method of transportation in the 21st century, 911 never happened, and so on. The protagonists had a special looking-glass through which the parallel universe could be observed.

I, too, had a chance to peek in a parallel universe, one that is almost, but not quite, a mirror reflection of ours. Here’s what’s been happening there lately.

In that universe, the USA and Mexico used to be one country — USAM, the United States of America and Mexico. However, in 1991, Mexico declared its independence and seceded — and it so happened that California, Texas and Florida went to Mexico. Even though they were predominantly populated by English-speaking people who considered themselves Americans, these states suddenly found themselves cut away from their American identity and given a new Mexican identity and a new Mexican rule, largely due to the overall weakness of political will and much confusion following the split of the USAM.

For 23 years, each government elected to rule the newly independent Mexico was more corrupt than its predecessor, and Mexico was doing poorly, having lost much of its former economic and cultural momentum. As often is the case under such circumstances, assorted extreme nationalist, far right, and neonazi groups filled in the ideological vacuum with their propaganda. These groups were largely financed and manipulated by Russia, Cuba, and North Korea, countries that were interested in destabilizing Mexico even further toward their own agendas. Finally the fourth president of Mexico, Victorio Yanandez, lawfully elected but as corrupt as any of his predecessors, and weak and indecisive in his dealings with the radical groups, was overthrown via a violent coup, and a junta came to power in Mexico.

The very first law passed by this new government established Spanish as the only language accepted on the territory of Mexico; banned the study and use of the English language in schools and colleges; criminalized teaching it to kids in families; blocked all TV channels broadcasting in English; arrested and tortured whoever made a peep; and proclaimed that all English-speaking and culturally pro-American whites, blacks, Asians, etc.. are officially classified as “sub-humans.”

The “sub-humans” started peacefully protesting, day after day, week after week — getting nowhere, being ignored. So they got organized, held referendums, and decided that they would have to split from Mexico, where they feared violence against them would only keep escalating, judging by the very first actions and statements of the new unconstitutional government. Florida, with its American military bases still in place according to earlier treaties between all former governments of Mexico and the USA, and consequently feeling far better protected than the rest of the pro-American territories, held a peaceful referendum with record-breaking attendance, voted overwhelmingly for independence, and immediately petitioned the US to take it back. The US agreed, and Florida was once again reunited with the main territory.

Russia and its satellite countries called this reunification an “annexation” by the US and imposed severe sanctions while threatening more of the same unless the US gives Florida back to Mexico, disregarding what the people of Florida (where English-speaking Americans were still in the majority) wanted or voted for. Russia wanted Florida to be under its own influence, with its own military bases there and with its own warships patrolling the waters, so there was no pleasing Russia unless Mexico, whose new government was totally under Russia’s control, regained this strategic peninsula.

In the meantime, California and Texas also held referendums and declared an independent People’s Republic of California and an independent People’s Republic of Texas. They too asked the United States of America to take them back, but the US couldn’t do this even if they wanted to, due to fierce international pressure instigated by Russia, a lack of consensus on the matter within their own government, and the fact that the ailing economies of California and Texas, deeply troubled after 23 years under Mexican rule which was biased against these and other English-speaking regions from the start, were assessed as capable of totally destroying the economy of the rest of the US should they be re-incorporated, especially re-incorporated in a hurry. So the US did not respond to these pleas the way it did with Florida, and for a while tried to stay out of it.

To millions of Californians’ and Texans’ chagrin and despair. They accused the US government of abandoning and betraying their own people there. They predicted that the US would collapse if it won’t support the People’s Republics of California and Texas, because the people of the United States simply won’t stand for it — how can the government do nothing when its own former citizens, with families and communities still tightly intertwined and many Californians and Texans having brothers in Colorado, children in New York, husbands and wives and parents and grandparents in Boston, Chicago, Detroit, and so on, are being ignored in their plight?

And their plight was getting more and more tragic with each passing day. The junta of Mexico responded to the two states’ declarations of independence and their pro-American leanings by sending troops, both the regular army and assorted national and international private armies and mercenary formations, and started meticulously and relentlessly bombing and shelling Los Angeles and San Francisco and San Diego, and Dallas and Houston and Austin, as well as countless suburbs and farming communities. Internationally, Mexican junta and its new unconstitutional president, Pedro Porsche, were getting massive support from Russia and its satellites in doing this. Any and all atrocities perpetrated by Mexican neonazis, as well as by numerous mercenary military units, paid for by Russia’s government and some of Mexico’s wealthiest oligarchs and descending upon the embattled California and Texas like swarms of locusts from North Korea and Brazil and China and India, were being painstakingly reinterpreted, spinned, and justified (or else circumvented altogether and reacted to with deafening silence). Whereas California and Texas, in addition to being supposedly populated by “sub-human barbarians,” were officially designated as terrorist states. This definition included all their residents in toto, down to infants and old people in nursing homes, so the Mexican army delivered airstrikes and used relentless heavy artillery fire against hospitals and schools and nursing homes as eagerly as it used them against all other civil facilities and residential homes and the infrastructure. The government of Mexico called this genocidal war they unleashed on California and Texas an “anti-terrorist operation.”

Russia and its satellites fully justified and supported all these actions while condemning the pro-American Californians and Texans and blaming the US for aiding and abetting them. Russia, in no uncertain terms, kept telling the US to stay out of it, none of your business, nothing to look at here folks, keep moving. Russia and its satellites kept working very hard, with all their power and money and influence and globally controlled media, to make the whole world turn away from the US, by presenting any endeavors of the latter aimed at protecting Americans in California and Texas as acts of aggression. These accusations concerned both the actual undertakings by the US, such as sending massive convoys with humanitarian aid to California and Texas under international supervision, and imaginary ones, insinuated without a shred of proof, such as sending an invading army — a fictitious event that was reported on dozens of occasions, with dates of purported occurrence spanning a period of a few months, but with zero proof of any such happenings from any international observers or any independent sources whatsoever.

The Russian government aimed to isolate the US from the international community and to make it into a total outcast on the world scene. And as the American government refused to withdraw its support of the People’s Republics of California and Texas, support the latter had been begging for on hands and knees for months as thousands of peaceful civilians were being killed and their homes and work places demolished, Russia kept telling the world that America was the one who started it all. The coup that ousted Mexico’s pro-American president to implant an anti-American one was conveniently forgotten (or else re-represented as, somehow, America’s own doing, its postulated desire for expansion mysteriously manifesting in shooting itself in the foot) — keep moving, folks, nothing to look at here… After a while, “everybody knew” that it was the US who started it.

Reasons were offered as to why the US attacked Mexico. All because, see, they were paranoid enough to worry about a little mischief on Mexico’s part when all it wanted to do was throw a very modest, not all that heavy, monkey wrench into the US economy by abruptly severing all its economic ties with the US forged over many decades. Yes, the US attacked Mexico — for refusing to pay any of its debts while rightfully demanding all the goods and services it’s used to getting from the US — free of charge now please, you are an international outcast now, you can’t be too demanding. Yes, of course the US attacked Mexico — why, for pledging its economic and military allegiance to Russia and Cuba and North Korea, and for its innocent, non-aggressive desire to have a few Russian military bases on its soil with maybe just a little more than a few nuclear warheads aimed at the US from, really, no closer than several hundred feet away — nothing more! And, let’s not forget, the US attacked Mexico for its exemplary willingness to be gutted for shale gas to the point of voluntary depopulation by a well-meaning Russian natural gas giant, Gazprom… nothing to write home about. What reasons did the US ever have to complain that its interests and concerns were being ignored by Russia with utter contempt? This whole thing with Mexico is just between Mexico and Russia, Cuba, and North Korea (and maybe Gazprom) — it’s really none of your business, America, nothing to look at here, folks, move on.

But no, the US had to butt in when Mexico decided to cancel all things American on its territory — beginning with American people in Florida, California and Texas. So who can doubt that it was the US who started it all — they wanted Florida, see, and then they wanted California and Texas too and possibly to upscale to WWIII while at it, and that’s why Russia and its allies decided they must punish and damage the US with all means at their disposal.

That’s what’s been happening in a parallel universe lately…