View Full Version : Would you rather...

10-08-2014, 02:41 AM

10-08-2014, 02:59 AM
Bank Robbery
Sports Car (unless I could bang her)
Inspire Taylor (it would be called Gumby love)
Pizza forever (unless I'd get to bang her)
Justin Bieber :nutkick:
Pirate :pirate:
Krispy Kremes
200 years in the future (to show we're still here, ahem)
Never read nor seen either one... but I'll go with Lord of the Rings
Whatever one my nephew wanted
Talk to animals (I want to confirm that they think I'm a dick for ordering them around)
All the money (I don't want to be old and rich, that sounds horribly frustrating)

10-08-2014, 03:39 AM
-A sexy gamer girlfriend... given my very last choice, the $50Gs will be relatively insignificant.
-Bank Robbery
-Game winning touchdown... and one for the ages.
-The sports car... given my last choice, I could just buy any chick I want... and my sexy gamer girlfriend will be completely cool with it.
-Read minds... that way I could tell what the hell my sexy gamer girlfriend was thinking.
-Master every instrument.
-Taylor Swift, and I want to be the inspiration for her next ten albums.... and my sexy gamer girlfriend will be completely cool with it.
-Pizza... given my last choice, again I'll be able to.... and my sexy gamer girlfriend will be completely cool with it.
-Neither really, but if you put a gun to my head I guess I'd take the donuts.
-200 years in the past, to go tell the framers of the Constitution and the forefathers of our country all the fucked up things our government is doing today because of all the leeway they left in when writing shit up. Also, I could place bets on every past public gambling endeavor ever and leave the money for me in the future.
-If I could be a badass, I'd live in the LOTR world, otherwise, Potter's.
-I guess whichever has the cooler games and better performance... whichever one my sexy gamer girlfriend would like better.
-The ability to speak any language fluently... technically, animals have their own language and with that ability you might be able to learn to speak to them... and I'd be able to speak to my sexy gamer girlfriend.
-Money... and I bet my sexy gamer girlfriend will be completely cool with it.

You never said these decisions had to be made independent of each other. ;)

10-08-2014, 04:01 AM
At least you're not bitter. :lol:

10-08-2014, 05:04 AM
I'm not bitter, I'm a realist.


Noilly Pratt
10-08-2014, 04:02 PM
Gamer Girlfriend / $50,000
If this is reality-based, the wife and kid would have an issue with me having a girlfriend I think. Even if it isn't...I still would go for the cash and pick the girlfriend I want.

Robbery / Art Heist
Art heist sounds so dashing and debonair, but try fencing art. Not easy.

Beat Eminem / Touchdown
I don't care to be the best rapper or be an athlete either... so I'd choose neither really, but I'd probably be thought of better for a sports accomplishment, so I picked that.

New Sportscar / LeBaron + Upton
I've had a 1988 Dodge 600, which is the country cousin of this LeBaron. If the new sportscar was hot enough, I'd get lots of Upton lookalikes flocking, I'd think...

Fly / Read Minds
Most times I think I'd be bored with hearing all the mundane things people are thinking...Flying would be good for the environment because I wouldn't need a car anymore.

Master Instrument / Master Sport
Would love to be proficient in music...as it is I can do OK. Not sports-minded.

Kanye rant on Twitter / Taylor Swift inspiration
If I've inspired her, hopefully I've done something naughty that has a memory I will carry with me.

Jennifer Lawrence Date / Pizza forever
Man does not live by Pizza alone. Jennifer looks like she'd be fun on a date.

Fight Bieber / Fight Kim Jong Un
Neither. Book the fight with Bieber and then not show up. If I did that to Kim, and he'll sic his whole army on me. Bieber would just shrug his shoulders and think he looks good.

Ninja / Pirate
There are no songs about Ninjas that go "Yo ho ho and a bottle of Saki".

Nutella / Krispy Kreme
I've had both and I'm not a donuts person. Nutella was a great discovery when in Belgium and its been a staple ever since.

travel 200 years past / 200 years future
That would put me at 1814. Might be cool to see how they lived...

Live in H Potters world / LOTR World
Its kind of based in the now, and LOTR is kind of primitive. I'd like to watch TV sometime.

PS4 / Xbox 1
Again, neither as I've never used either one. But I have a not-used PS1 so going with loyalty.

Talk to animals / Speak any language
Google Translate makes this choice easy. Would love to know what's going on in their furry, scaly heads!

$ in world / Time in world
Given enough time, I could make all the $ in the world.

10-08-2014, 04:26 PM
https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/v/t1.0-9/10538424_10154708236850193_1862956394698641684_n.p ng?oh=50436e900416496b2fe5e0fa25f1c958&oe=54B083B2