View Full Version : Conspiracy theorists say the Simpsons predicted the Ebola crisis in 1997

Teh One Who Knocks
10-10-2014, 11:52 AM
Oliver Wheaton for Metro.co.uk


The Simpsons is one of the most successful TV shows of all time because it has the power to make you laugh, cry and think all in a single 20 minute episode.

But did it wander into the supernatural territory by predicting the Ebola crisis back in 1997?

Conspiracy theorists have claimed that the episode ‘Lisa’s Sax’ which aired 17 years ago ‘predicted’ the current Ebola outbreak.

Of course, the Simpsons never specifically say there will be an Ebola crisis originating from Western Africa in 2014, and by ‘predicting’ the outbreak they merely show a book called ‘Curious George and the Ebola virus’, which shows the eponymous monkey in a sick bed.

Some people thought this was a clear ‘conspiracy':


Others had a more logical outlook:



We know in times of fear the best place to turn for comfort is an animated sitcom, but this is hardly a prediction – it’s just some pop culture humour!


10-10-2014, 11:59 AM
Aha! Proof that it's all an elaborate plot!

10-10-2014, 04:14 PM
I sometimes imagine that the government is responsible and fully aware of things like Ebola...

just another method to cull the herd and control overpopulation


10-10-2014, 04:23 PM
I think they have a lot more involvement in things then they would have you believe

10-10-2014, 04:33 PM
I didnt see the book Marge was holding up detail how the government developed it and patented it and blame it on bush meat.

Back then, the joke was that it was so fkn preposterous of a notion, Ebola....here....no, when that shit breaks out, they lock the place down and it doesnt spread into a pandemic.

This time? Oh, let's make sure we bring all those poor infected people home to treat them, even though there is no cure for it. Too impossible to send 10,000 saline bags over there to hydrate motherfuckers, what else is there for treatment aside from fluid and electrolyte replacement? Pretty much jack shit.

They imported this shit on purpose....note there aint no cases in russia, etc, but anywhere under the thumb of international banksters, let's import that shit right quick. Fuck these people.

10-10-2014, 04:33 PM
I didnt click that twice :willie:

10-10-2014, 06:56 PM
we always hear how Big Pharma companies have zillions and run the world in the background....I sometimes think that other maladies and conditions have been and are curable...yet the shadowy men behind the economics would rather lie and have people 'manage' their conditions instead of eradicating the problem outright