View Full Version : 'You Don't Have Any Legal Rights' Cop Tells Cyclists Filming Him

Teh One Who Knocks
10-25-2014, 02:05 PM
By Michael Allen - Opposing Views


A group of cyclists calling themselves the Park Street BMX Crew were detained by police officers in Caldwell, Idaho, back in August.

According to PhotographyIsNotaCrime.com, the cyclists were detained by police for being in a local skate park at 11:12 p.m. because the park closed at 11 p.m.

One of the cyclists recorded the encounter with his cell phone (video below), which was pointed downwards, but captured some shocking audio.

“I need you to put that cell phone down right now because you are detained. Give me the cell phone," stated one police officer, noted KIVI.

“It is within my legal rights,” countered a cyclist.

”You don’t have any legal rights now because right now you just broke the law," claimed the police officer.

The same officer refused to provide the cyclists with his name.

“I’m still blown away at how this accelerated from five guys riding their bikes at the park. They searched everybody.,” said Joe Dondero, one of the cyclists, told KIVI. “They didn’t find any drugs or alcohol. We were just riding our bikes at the park like we have done several times.”

Caldwell’s Police Chief Chris Allgood says there is an internal investigation into the incident, which appears to be a violation of civil rights.

While Dondero and a friend were cited by the police for trespassing, police also charged Dondero with resisting arresting and obstructing law enforcement.

Dondero’s lawyer reportedly has a 20-minute video of the encounter, but only released about two minutes, which may put the police in a tight spot when they testify in court.


10-25-2014, 04:16 PM
cops that do this need a bullet to the head

10-25-2014, 04:40 PM
In tte days of cell phones and internet these guys days are numbered.....well you would hope....but they won't be

10-25-2014, 04:42 PM
they will be if they start getting shot in the fkn face

10-26-2014, 03:58 AM
Dipshits using their cell phones trying to get a viral you tube/social media clip are the problem, not the cops.

10-26-2014, 06:51 AM
The only thing the cops are guilty of is talking shit. The park closed at 11 and they were there after. Trespassing. Period. End of.

10-26-2014, 01:36 PM
Dipshits using their cell phones trying to get a viral you tube/social media clip are the problem, not the cops.

yeah, I guess we should never check on the cops, let them make it illegal to film them, then they can commit any number of abuses and have even less accountability than they already do now :tup:

10-27-2014, 02:26 AM
When discipline in the home was removed, children became unruly.
When teachers lost the faculty to maintain control in their classrooms, teens became the ME generation of anti authority misfits.
I can't wait to see what happens when you people take a cops ability to perform their duties.

10-27-2014, 04:02 AM
Jesus fbd, shot in the face?

10-27-2014, 07:51 AM
But cops are evil and you need to teach them muddy

Teh One Who Knocks
10-27-2014, 10:20 AM
yeah, I guess we should never check on the cops, let them make it illegal to film them, then they can commit any number of abuses and have even less accountability than they already do now :tup:

Here's a helpful fact you seem to be ignoring....maybe if the fucking twats hadn't been trespassing which was, oh, I dunno, illegal, they wouldn't have had to worry about dealing with the cops.

10-27-2014, 02:06 PM
:hand: whatever, you guys seem to think the police can just come in and violate any number of constitutional protections, and we as citizens should just sit there and take it no matter what, because "they're the law"

10-27-2014, 02:43 PM
There's a big difference in arguing about civil rights and shooting someone in the face..

10-27-2014, 03:54 PM
:hand: whatever, you guys seem to think the police can just come in and violate any number of constitutional protections, and we as citizens should just sit there and take it no matter what, because "they're the law"

What constitutional protections did these cops violate?

They had the right to remain silent. Anything they said or did could be held against them in a court of law. They had the right to an attorney. If they could not afford an attorney, then the court would appoint one to them...

There is a law against trespassing. The rules of the park stated that it was closed to the public after a certain time and when an establishment is closed after a certain time and unauthorized people are there, it is a crime which we call trespassing. The cops caught the kids trespassing and arrested them. End of story.

If you don't like the law, then work to elect legislators to repeal those laws that you don't like, accept that what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and enjoy everybody and their mother camping out in your yard and having picnics whenever they damn well please without your permission.

Or move back to Russia, you commie bastid.

10-27-2014, 04:26 PM
Stay out of my back yard, FBD.. You damn hippie!

10-27-2014, 06:49 PM
Hey, if you guys are all for letting the cops have no checks and balances and act however the hell they want, then you can go right ahead and enjoy the continued immersion into police state totalitarianism.

"You are tresspassing, I am arresting you, you are detained, you have no rights"


"Guys, the park closes at 11, time to head out. Nope, no arguing about it, sorry, let's go."

Never once thinking in the back of your head that the cop showed up with a chip on his shoulder and some unused authority he has to dispense as harshly as possible.

Trust me, I think you guys are as whacked on this as you think I am.

Cops that violate the fuck out of their badges "privilege" deserve a bullet to the fucking head, period, end of story, like any other traitor that does treasonous things and stamps on the constitution. Every last one of them.

10-28-2014, 12:23 AM
"Guys, the park closes at 11, time to head out. Nope, no arguing about it, sorry, let's go."

Or it could be that this is what transpired before dipshit wanting to make a viral vid edited it in his favor.

10-28-2014, 02:41 AM
Hey, if you guys are all for letting the cops have no checks and balances and act however the hell they want, then you can go right ahead and enjoy the continued immersion into police state totalitarianism.

"You are tresspassing, I am arresting you, you are detained, you have no rights"


"Guys, the park closes at 11, time to head out. Nope, no arguing about it, sorry, let's go."

Never once thinking in the back of your head that the cop showed up with a chip on his shoulder and some unused authority he has to dispense as harshly as possible.

Trust me, I think you guys are as whacked on this as you think I am.

Cops that violate the fuck out of their badges "privilege" deserve a bullet to the fucking head, period, end of story, like any other traitor that does treasonous things and stamps on the constitution. Every last one of them.

Or it could be that this is what transpired before dipshit wanting to make a viral vid edited it in his favor.

Grif's right. You're only seeing what the uploader wants you to see. It could be that the cops might have been cool about it up until the kids started mouthing off to them... then roll camera... and you'd never know the difference, because you'll never see what transpired before the video started. You'll be quick to assume that the cops were being oppressive because you're predisposed to believing that authority and the police are bad things, when the reality is they are a vital part of society.

And so what if they did arrest them without giving them a shot to get out of it? They don't give robbers, murderers, or rapists chances to get out with a warning during the commission of the crime. Any sane person wouldn't want them to. So why should they here? Severity of the crime is no excuse. The law is the law and logic states that you apply it consistently and equally. Not just when or where you think it's ok to. Not just when it's a big deal and letting the little things slide. The cops did exactly what they should have done... just arrested them. That's not being totalitarian dicks, that's cops doing their jobs. That's what they get paid to do. There's nowhere in a cop's job description or nowhere in legislation that says that cops have to be 'cool'. That's a choice they make on the fly for their own reasons.

The cops are in the right here.

10-28-2014, 12:59 PM
Grif's right. You're only seeing what the uploader wants you to see.

:-k interesting, just like the news stories where you only see what the cop and the reporter write up

right, law applied consistently and equally....are you from planet naive?

severity of the crime no excuse :lol: or lack thereof...

I just have to laugh at people who think they're going to be able to run into the police's open arms and be protected when something goes wrong.

10-28-2014, 01:59 PM

You lost this round. Now quit your damn trolling.

10-28-2014, 02:10 PM
I've had good and bad experiences with police.. Mostly good.. I've never had a cop just fuck with me though for the sake of bullying me.. You need a tinfoil hat, FBD. You are going as crazy with this anti-cop thing as you were with the 'It rained today, because Obama walked outside' mentality.. All police are not bad.. Believe it or not, some of them actually do police trespassers, thieves, and every other person that thinks the law doesn't apply to them.

Teh One Who Knocks
10-28-2014, 02:14 PM
I can only think of one time that I had a bad experience with a cop....and it just happened to be when I was breaking the law, I was pulled over for speeding. It's not that the cop hassled me, he didn't. It's just that his attitude was shitty even though I was nice to him and it was me getting a ticket. I just chalked it up to him probably having a bad night, it happens to everyone.

10-28-2014, 02:18 PM
I've had a good experience or two, and I know "not all cops" pull shit like this. But you have got to be out of your got damn mind to tell yourself this trend is not increasing and getting worse. Cops regularly take people's drugs and pocket them, take people's money and declare it confiscated, and in general are the dudes that got their asses kicked by jocks and their minds made fun of by geeks while they were growing up, now its time to get back for every one of those incidents in their life.

Glad you all have had such good experiences with cops, but those are few and far between around here.

And if you guys dont think this is a problem...

:lol: well I already know there's certain areas where neither I nor anyone else will be of much help to you.

10-28-2014, 02:22 PM
Oh, believe me.. I think there are bad cops out there.. But I also think there are bad doctors, politicians, cooks, and you name it also.

10-28-2014, 02:22 PM
I can only think of one time that I had a bad experience with a cop....and it just happened to be when I was breaking the law, I was pulled over for speeding. It's not that the cop hassled me, he didn't. It's just that his attitude was shitty even though I was nice to him and it was me getting a ticket. I just chalked it up to him probably having a bad night, it happens to everyone.

that gets filed under good experience. he didnt violate your rights, did he?

I've been in the same situation and had police be 100% professional, be calm and respectful,

and for the same thing,

had a cop run at me yelling the entire way, yadda yadda...fudging things on my ticket and the whole 9

ever had a cop drive 5mph behind you while you're walking home and harrassing you for no reason...oh right, plainville isnt in colorado...

ever been witness to all of the ways they try to get you to "voluntarily" give up your rights so that they may proceed as if you have none?

naivete. I used to like being an innocent child also.

10-28-2014, 02:26 PM
A cop yelling at you isn't violating your rights. It might be unprofessional, but you having to deal with shitty people isn't a violation of your rights.

10-28-2014, 02:29 PM
of course not, that's just him letting you know he's a total complete asshole that does not belong on a police force.

but you bet your ass fudging shit on a ticket is violating my rights, that somehow didnt trip your radar? :surprised:

10-28-2014, 02:35 PM
So you had a bad experience with one cop and now you broad stroke all of them as oppressive, right-violating, totalitarian assholes?

I had an asshole cop give me a ticket in Savannah once back in '04 for something questionable, but I don't believe there's a big ass conspiracy by all of them to enslave me and violate my rights. Oh right, I must be naive because I just don't know, even though half of my family is law enforcement and I've been around cops all of my life. But I just don't know.


10-28-2014, 02:42 PM
come on FBD it's time to admit a cop put his night stick up your ass and thats the reason you hate cops :lol:

10-28-2014, 02:50 PM

10-28-2014, 02:55 PM

like I've said before I have enough tales to fill a book between friends and family - (and guess which side of the equation most of the family is ;) ) so whatever, believe whatever you guys want to believe, or whatever the news tells you, whichever is easier to digest.

10-28-2014, 02:56 PM
I have a friend that got arrested and went to county lock up for the night, pissed someone off and got cavity searched... Man that guy hates law enforcement.. :lol:

10-28-2014, 03:07 PM

10-28-2014, 03:09 PM
and that doesnt strike you as REALLY FUCKED UP that a cop can just decide to violate your anus if you piss him off a bit, and there's nothing you can do about it?

you think the cops dont know that?

you think they dont take advantage of that?

I know "the populace" is naive but you guys still surprise me sometimes.

10-28-2014, 03:12 PM
Have you been cavity searched, fbd?


10-28-2014, 03:17 PM
thankfully, I have not :lol: I know when I am in a no win situation, and I am realistic about what not to do in certain no win situations.

but make no mistake, if a cop did that to me with zero justification, I would find who he was and make a quadriplegic out of him, then force him to watch his house burn with his family inside.