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View Full Version : Conspiracy Theorists Claim Jan. 8, 2011 Tucson Shootings a Hoax

Teh One Who Knocks
05-26-2011, 06:40 PM
By Michael Santo - Huliq News


On the same day that U.S. District Judge Larry Burns has ruled that Jared Lee Loughner, the accused Tucson Shooter, is mentally incompetent to stand trial, the New York Times reported that there are several conspiracy Web sites that have been claiming that the shootings which killed six, including nine-year-old Christina Taylor-Green and Federal Judge John Roll were faked.

In addition to the killings of Roll and Taylor-Green, also killed was a Giffords' staffer, Gabriel "Gabe" Zimmerman, 30; Dorothy "Dot" Morris, 76, a retired secretary from Oro Valley (her husband George was wounded); Phyllis Schneck, 79, a homemaker from Tucson; and Dorwan Stoddard, 76, a retired construction worker.

According to the New York Times, conspiracy theorists claim that the January 8, 2011 events were all an elaborate government hoax. Their evidence, they say, is that a number of people who showed up in the television reports during and after the shooting, including, Jared Loughner, the accused shooter, resembled actors from the area (and Hollywood, as well).

Additionally, some of the theorists have taken it upon themselves to infringe on the privacy of actual victims of the shooting. .One shooting victim told the New Yorl Times that he already notified the F.B.I. of a recent incident. Two men appeared on the doorstep of his Tucson home. They claimed to be investigators, trying to determine whether the shooting was a hoax. When he asked for ID, one of them presented a business card which had the name of a Texas conspiracy site printed on it. That site describes the shooting as an exercise conducted by the Department of Homeland Security.

The unidentified victim, who chose to be anonymous to be sure no other unwelcome guests would be attracted, said, “They tried to get into my home. They wanted to know if I had any pictures. They said they didn’t believe the event took place.”

According to the report, many other people connected to the Loughner case, including victims’ relatives, medical and hospital personnel, and possible trial witnesses have received similar visits or even seen their images on the Web site. Pima County authorities as well as the F.B.I. are aware of the sites and visits.

According to the Huffington Post, the theories have been offered primarily by "conspiracy enthusiast" Ed Chiarini.

On Wednesday, Loughner was declared mentally incompetant to stand trial. Several survivors of the attack were at the hearing. Among them were Susan Hileman, 58, who was wounded in the shooting, and her husband, Bill. Susan Hileman had brought Taylor-Green to the political event Giffords was staging at a supermarket.

Additionally, Giffords' aide Pam Simon, who was shot in the chest and right wrist; Eric Fuller, who was shot in the knee and the back; and retired Army Col. Bill Badger, grazed by a bullet in the back of the head, were in the courtroom. Badger is credited with helping subdue Loughner. Friends and co-workers of Judge Roll were also in attendance, as well as Mavy Stoddard, 75, who was wounded in the attack and whose husband, Dorwan, was mentioned above as one of the victims.

05-26-2011, 08:21 PM

Acid Trip
05-26-2011, 08:37 PM
This is just like Ahmadinejad saying concentration camps didn't happen. Lunatics are everywhere...

05-27-2011, 01:20 AM
Being a conspiracy theorist must be exausting... questioning what you read is one thing... but believing nothing and having to invent information from thin air seems like a full-time job

Teh One Who Knocks
05-27-2011, 01:36 AM
No kidding....I mean come on, do they believe anything? :wha:

05-27-2011, 01:38 AM
Seriously eh. I doubt it... I really just imagine the people who claimed the moon landing conspiracy are the same as the 9/11 guys, who are the same as JFK theorists, who are the same as this shit too...

05-27-2011, 04:04 AM
No kidding....I mean come on, do they believe anything? :wha:

That's a great question. And yes, they do: They believe they know something very important which no one else does

Conspiracy theory has at its root the idea that, for some reason, you Joe Bloggs have been given access to some deep secret (as distinct from DeepSepia) which no one else is privileged to know.

05-27-2011, 12:50 PM
Man has never been to the moon.....

*kidding* :dance: