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View Full Version : Teacher suspended after filming kindergartner beating other students

Teh One Who Knocks
02-16-2015, 11:57 AM
FOX News

A Florida kindergarten teacher who taped a boy as he beat other students on three occasions has been suspended without pay.

Duval County Public Schools accused Rita Baci of failing to protect her students as she recorded the beatings with her cellphone camera last November.

School officials hit Baci with a 15-day unpaid suspension at a recent school board meeting, the Florida Times-Union reported Thursday.

The 65-year-old classroom veteran was also reprimanded for using her foot to push a student out of her class and leaving him unattended in the hallway.

The newspaper said an investigation determined that Baci showed poor judgment and used inappropriate physical contact in the incident.

The videos Baci took showed one boy being hit “about his face and body several times,” another student being kicked as he tried to hide under a table and a third student being punched and slapped.

She had taken the videos for evidence of the boy’s aggressive behavior in her classroom at the John E. Ford Montessori School in Jacksonville. She then showed it to an assistant principal before a meeting with the child’s parents.

She also let other students see the videos, violating the confidentiality of the students she had recorded.

The Times-Union said Baci could not be reached for comment.

02-16-2015, 02:44 PM