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View Full Version : "World-Leading Economist" And Advisor To Chancellor Osborne Busted For Smoking Crack

03-02-2015, 08:25 PM

One of Chancellor George Osborne’s senior advisers on economic policy has been captured on video smoking crack cocaine in a drugs den. Prof Douglas McWilliams, who last year *estimated we would all be £165 a year better off by the election, is seen inhaling it through a glass tube at a flat in North London.

The executive chairman of influential City think-tank the Centre for Economic and Business Research then slumps dazed on a sofa after repeatedly smoking on the makeshift crack pipe involving a miniature Martell Cognac bottle.

Red-faced and slurring his speech, he later told the dealer he had “too much” and that he had spent the day on a binge.

Two rocks of the deadly drug can clearly been seen on a table beside the dazed professor. The grainy footage, seen by the Sunday Mirror, will heap embarrassment on the Chancellor and raise serious *questions about his choice of adviser.

A source said: “Last Sunday McWilliams turned up at the den around 10pm and was there about a hour and a half. There were two rocks of the drugs. He smoked it over a table and then sat there all spaced out.

“He was in a suit and started talking about the economy and all that for about 20 minutes. He kept mentioning someone famous he worked with but didn’t make much sense. He was asked if he wanted any more and said ‘I’ve had too much’.”

03-02-2015, 08:33 PM
Wheres the vid

03-02-2015, 08:38 PM
Remember what the Bible says: He who is without sin, cast the first rock. And I shall smoketh it.


havent found it yet :lol: