View Full Version : Students at UC Irvine vote to ban American flag

Teh One Who Knocks
03-09-2015, 11:17 AM
By Todd Starnes - FOX News


Students at the University of California, Irvine have voted to make their school a more “culturally inclusive” place by banning the American flag.

The Associated Students of University of California (ASUCI) passed a resolution March 3 that would remove the Stars & Stripes along with every other flag from the lobby of a complex housing the offices of the student government.

“Designing a culturally inclusive space aims to remove barriers that create undue effort and separation by planning and designing spaces that enable everyone to participate equally and confidentially,” read the resolution authored by Matthew Guevara.

The resolution passed 6-4. Two people abstained. Let me break down the vote for you -- six unAmerican students, four patriots and two individuals who could have a career in House Republican leadership.

Guevara’s resolution, which was in dire need of an edit, rambled on about “paradigms of conformity” and “homogenized standards” and blah, blah, blah.

It sounds like Mr. Guevara could have a future career in community organizing or the Democratic party.

“The American flag has been flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism,” he bemoaned. “Flags not only serve as symbols of patriotism or weapons for nationalism, but also construct cultural mythologies and narratives that in turn charge nationalistic sentiments.”

I know, folks. I know it’s California. But this is beyond bizarre even for the yoga and granola crowd.

I reached out to the university for a comment and a very nice spokesperson (who seemed anxious for the weekend) assured me the university did not endorse the resolution.

She also told me the executive board of the student government association is going to meet this weekend and discuss the possibility of a veto.

Reza Zomorrodian, the ASUCI president and a young patriot, told me he was very upset over the student government’s actions and will push for a veto.

“It’s an attack on American values,” he said. “A lot of people want to come to the United States for a reason – it’s because of the freedoms we have.”

Zomorrodian told me the legislation was the result of a longstanding feud over the display of the American flag. He said unknown perpetrators kept taking down the flag and he would put it back up. The flag is currently folded and being protected in a vice president’s office.

“I’m really disappointed in our legislative council right now,” he said. “I’m firmly against what they did. I think it was a horrible idea.”

Zomorrodian said he wants the American public to know that UC Irvine is a patriotic campus.

“Only six people voted for this,” he said. “We have 22,000 undergrads here. Six people made this decision. The UC Irvine has made huge contributions to bettering this country. This is an elected body that made a decision for the whole and will suffer the consequences of making that decision.”

Mr. Zomorrodian sounds like a very nice young man who understands what the American flag represents --- and I hope he musters the votes necessary to rehoist the Stars & Stripes.

As for the handful of un-American rabblerousers who’ve brought shame upon the campus of UC Irvine – I would offer these gentle words:

If you have a problem with the flag and what that flag stands for and the brave men and women who died for that flag – then you are more than welcome to pack your bags and haul your ungrateful buttocks across the border.

And one final thought about the vandals who keep taking down the flag in the dark of night. I wonder if Mr. Zomorrodian has considered asking the university’s ROTC program for help. I suspect a handful of young soldiers might be able to nip that problem in the bud.

03-09-2015, 01:23 PM
Can we vote to cease all Government dollars being spent there?

03-09-2015, 01:30 PM
We need to reinstitute the draft, and draft all of these idiots into the military so they can get to know firsthand what it means to bleed for this flag and sacrifice for their country.

03-09-2015, 01:34 PM
Fuckin eejits

03-09-2015, 01:55 PM

03-09-2015, 05:16 PM
If you have a problem with the flag and what that flag stands for and the brave men and women who died for that flag – then you are more than welcome to pack your bags and haul your ungrateful buttocks across the border.

we don't want those people up here :hand:...be glad that you live in a country that doesn't demand you load an AK-47 to go down the street to get some bread (unless you live in Chicago).

03-09-2015, 09:00 PM
curious what their stance is on donations from large corporations and banks :lol: fill up that coffer baby! :haha: we know where their sympathies lie.

Teh One Who Knocks
03-10-2015, 11:23 AM
Kaitlyn Schallhorn - Campus Reform


Led by student body president Reza Zomorrodian, the Executive Board of the Associated Students of the University of California, Irvine (ASUCI) voted to veto the legislation banning flags from an “inclusive space” during a specially-called meeting Saturday afternoon.

As originally reported by Campus Reform, a group of ASUCI members passed legislation that outlawed all flags, especially the American flag, from the student government’s main lobby as the lobby is an “inclusive space” and flags could represent hate speech. The American flag in particular, the bill stated, can represent exceptionalism, superiority, and oppression.

Speaking with Campus Reform Friday evening, Zomorrodian said that he was pushing for a unanimous veto among his executive members as it’s “very important that [the ASUCI executive cabinet] stand strong and say ‘this is not something we agree with.’”

Since the legislation was passed, Zomorrodian, a senior political science major, has been outspoken about his disapproval of the flag ban.

“I stand firmly against this piece of legislation, though I understand the authors intent and supporters intent, I disagree with the solution the council has come to,” Zomorrodian said in an official statement.

The executive board, made up of five members, needed at least three votes in order to override the legislation. As it has been vetoed, the bill will head to the legislative council where it will need a two-thirds majority vote in order to override the veto.

While he said he didn’t want to speculate, Zomorrodian did say he was “confident” that the majority of UCI students did not agree with the ban on flags.

“This is not a widely shared opinion,” he said of the legislation. “There’s been a lot of uproar on campus. This is something students care about. This is something students are confused about.”

Sharon Shaoulian, a third-year political science major, told Campus Reform that she, as a daughter of Israeli immigrants, was “ashamed” of her peers who authored and proposed the resolution, as well as those who voted for it.

“I think they represent a perception of this generation as ungrateful and moronic,” Shaoulian said. “This university, as part of the UC-System, accepts and offers more and more aid to students of color and illegal/undocumented students. American has given these students opportunities beyond their dreams, and they spit in the face of our nation.”

"These students don't appreciate a country that has given them the right to sit in their position and vote for a measure that would ban the American flag from this part on campus," Shaoulian continued. "They don't even comprehend that being able to vote for it, is something worth praising our country for."

Despite the media attention UCI has received since Friday morning, Zomorrodian said he was glad for the “healthy debate” that has occurred among students. He said it was “ironic” that such a strong debate over the American flag—and whether or not it’s considered “hate speech”—has sparked on campus as the American flag embodies students’ First Amendment rights to have such discourse.

Zomorrodian told Campus Reform that his role as ASUCI president can be challenging and compared his role to that of President Obama’s struggles with the current Congress and Senate.

“That’s the tough part about having a democracy—sometimes the policy you want doesn’t get passed through,” Zomorrodian, who is currently applying for graduate schools in North Carolina, said.

According to him, the agenda for Saturday’s closed meeting also included budget talks and other typical ASUCI matters.

Authored by Matthew Guevara, the original legislation passed with six yea votes, four nay, and two abstentions.

In a Facebook post Friday evening, UCI seemed to make light of the legislation.

“Have a wonderful weekend! And contrary to what you might be hearing, flags are still flying at UC Irvine,” the post, accompanying a photo of an American flag, read.

UCI, a public research institution, is part of the 10 campuses which make up the UC-System across the Golden State.

03-10-2015, 01:23 PM
Are you kidding me? :lol: (@ op)

03-10-2015, 05:15 PM
you guys may remember my rant about our Quebec separatists dragging a Canadian flag under a car in some crappy, snowy conditions and the flag was maimed..

it angered me...

there are a lot of things a nation's flag stands for...trying to blackball for any reason when you're living in the country goes beyond being unpatriotic IMO

If you have a problem with the flag and what that flag stands for...

03-10-2015, 05:18 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11035502_964037296941197_208611148885034331_n.jpg? oh=c84961420c9419df6e5825643b38d6aa&oe=557EEBB1&__gda__=1434506352_74812089e227d3c86d66e9e494c7874 a

03-10-2015, 05:30 PM
not a lot of Smiths and Jones up there :lol:


03-10-2015, 05:37 PM
Yeah, everyone of those assholes is probably not a citizen, or first generation

03-10-2015, 05:44 PM
I've talked to a lot of immigrants to our fair country and asked them questions about how it was where they came from....each one of them told me how much better Canada was in terms of freedom, standard of living and opportunities. They all missed their homes of course....but like one guy said from North Africa - I will never go back. His story was brutal and bordered on the surreal. Living on 10 dollars per week, hiking 5 miles for clean water, pseudo-military cruising through his village at night...taking whatever they wanted...

03-11-2015, 12:31 AM
negar please :hand: