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View Full Version : 15 reasons Scots are the friendliest people in the UK

Teh One Who Knocks
03-27-2015, 10:54 AM
Gary Marshall for Metro.co.uk


It’s official: the Scots are the friendliest people in the UK.

That’s according to a study of more than 400,000 Britons, which found notable differences in people from different parts of the country.

But why? Your correspondent, a Scot from a Welsh, English and Irish family, reckons it’s because Scots know they live in the best country in the world.

1. We’re gallus

Gallus is a Scots word that describes the country’s personality brilliantly. Gallus people are confident, a little bit cheeky and very irreverent. That’s a winning combination.

2. We sound friendly

The Scots accent is regularly voted the friendliest, most trustworthy and most calming accent in Britain. We suspect that means the lowland, West coast accent, but all of Scotland’s many voices are amazing.

3. We’re not hemmed in

London crams more than 8 million people into 1,572 square kilometres. There are fewer Scots – 5.3 million – and we’ve got much more room: 78,387 square kilometres to stretch out in. No wonder Londoners are more tetchy than we are.


4. We can see amazing things

Scotland has some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world, and even in the centre of Glasgow you’re only a half-hour away from it. There’s something about being so close to natural beauty that stirs the soul.

Our architecture’s great, too. Check out Edinburgh’s grandeur, the gargoyles and carvings on so many Glasgow buildings or the world famous shopping centre in Cumbernauld.

5. We’ve got God’s own larder

We have some of the finest ingredients, best chefs and deepest fried pizzas you can possibly imagine.


6. We have the best music, and the best venues

King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut and the Glasgow Barrowland always feature in world’s-best-venues round-ups, for good reason: they’re fantastic.

The music isn’t bad either: Chvrches, Honeyblood, Frightened Rabbit, Biffy Clyro, Teenage Fanclub, Young Fathers, Twin Atlantic, King Creosote… and that’s before we get onto our traditional and classical music scenes. Music’s in our bones.


7. We can buy houses even if we aren’t billionaires

We look at tales of London cupboards going for tens of thousands in horror. We can’t quite buy a castle with a week’s wages, but where the average London house price is £514,000, in Scotland it’s £160,000. That leaves a lot of money left over for…

8. Whisky and Irn-Bru

The latter undoes the damage of the former.


9. We don’t take ourselves too seriously

Scottish humour is dark and self-deprecating. We like to laugh at ourselves.

10. We can breathe properly

There are exceptions – Glasgow’s Hope Street is so polluted you might start smoking to give your lungs a break – but most of Scotland isn’t urban, and that means we breathe clean air.


11. We’re Celts

Just like the Irish and the Welsh, we’re from a long line of hard-partying maniacs.

12. We’re bullsh*tters

From the Loch Ness Monster to tall tales of hunting wild haggis, we can’t resist telling tall tales.

13. We’re really, really funny

From Billy Connolly to Kevin Bridges and Frankie Boyle, some of the world’s finest comedians come from Scotland – and with superb venues such as The Stand and annual comedy festivals in both Glasgow and Edinburgh, the ones that don’t come from here come to here.


14. We invented everything

And we won’t miss an opportunity to tell you about it. The iPad? Reggae? Disco? Somewhere, there’s a Scottish connection to all of them.

15. The weather’s crap and we’re all going to die

It rains a lot, we have some of the lowest life expectancies in western Europe and most of our traditional industries are long gone. No wonder we’re so keen on having a laugh and making new pals.


03-27-2015, 11:20 AM
You're welcome :hi:

03-27-2015, 11:35 AM
16. They are happy drunks.

03-27-2015, 12:42 PM
17. You get to wear a kilt, there is nothing better at getting attention from every female in a room than by wearing a kilt outwith Scotland. At some point in the evening one (or more) of them will put their hand up your kilt to find out what a Scot wears under a kilt.

03-27-2015, 12:50 PM
18 if they really like you they give you a Glasgow kiss

03-27-2015, 12:51 PM
17. You get to wear a kilt, there is nothing better at getting attention from every female in a room than by wearing a kilt outwith Scotland. At some point in the evening one (or more) of them will put their hand up your kilt to find out what a Scot wears under a kilt.

I wear my cock and balls under my kilt :ok: Wearing it on holiday in Crete was fun :lol: Scotland were playing a euro qualifier vs norway while we were away so i took the kilt........ sweated my bollocks off but it was worth it :lol:

03-27-2015, 05:05 PM
is that a deep fried chocolate bar up there???

ffs :lol:

03-27-2015, 05:50 PM
is that a deep fried chocolate bar up there???

ffs :lol:

I can honestly, hand on heart, say that i have never tried a deep fried chocolate bar :lol: Sounds fucking disgusting to me tbh....... i have seen it on the menu in a few chip shops though!

03-28-2015, 11:50 AM
we do work for a scotish guy.... I don't understand a fucking word he says

03-30-2015, 08:54 AM
we do work for a scotish guy.... I don't understand a fucking word he says

Awa an bile yer heid, ya gype! :huh:

04-01-2015, 08:46 PM
about a quarter to ten :tup:

04-01-2015, 09:09 PM
we do work for a scotish guy.... I don't understand a fucking word he says

We do that on purpose just to annoy the Welsh :thumbsup:

04-01-2015, 09:17 PM
then he should fuck off back to scotland :hand:

04-01-2015, 09:19 PM
then he should fuck off back to scotland :hand:

He's on a special mission :thumbsup:

04-01-2015, 09:25 PM
the way he speaks, it seems more of a thpethal mission :dance:

04-02-2015, 09:25 AM
Im only interested in the whisky and Irn-Bru parts.