View Full Version : TSA fires two Denver screeners in genital groping scheme

Teh One Who Knocks
04-15-2015, 11:02 AM
By Ben Hooper - UPI


DENVER, April 14 (UPI) -- The TSA said two Denver International Airport screeners were fired for manipulating procedures to allow an agent to grope the genitals of male passengers.

Law enforcement reports obtained by KCNC-TV revealed a male screener at the airport revealed to a female colleague in 2014 he "gropes" male passengers he finds attractive by having another female TSA screener manipulate a scanning machine to require a pat-down search.

"He related that when a male he finds attractive comes to be screened by the scanning machine he will alert another TSA screener to indicate to the scanning computer that the party being screened is a female. When the screener does this, the scanning machine will indicate an anomaly in the genital area and this allows [the male TSA screener] to conduct a pat-down search of that area," TSA documents state.

The TSA was alerted to the screener's actions in November 2014, but no action was taken by the agency until an incident was observed by TSA security supervisor Chris Higgins Feb. 9.

Higgins told officers he observed the male screener signal his female coworker, and the woman hit the button for "female" when a male passenger passed through the screening machine.

"The scanner alerted to an anomaly, and Higgins observed [the male TSA screener] conduct a pat down of the passenger's front groin and buttocks area with the palm of his hands, which is contradictory to TSA searching policy," the documents read.

The female agent confessed to the scheme and told investigators she had helped her coworker to grope at least 10 men.

The Feb. 9 incident was allegedly recorded on camera by Higgins, but the tape has not been released to the public.

The TSA confirmed to website Mashable the two screeners were fired.

"These alleged acts are egregious and intolerable," a TSA representative said. "TSA has removed the two officers from the agency. All allegations of misconduct are thoroughly investigated by the agency. And when substantiated, employees are held accountable."

The Denver District Attorney's Office declined to press charges in the case, with a prosecutor citing the lack of an identified victim and the unlikelihood of a conviction.

04-15-2015, 11:11 AM
They let it continue for 3 months after being notified?

How long would they have waited for female victims? Same day most likely.

Teh One Who Knocks
04-16-2015, 10:52 AM
By Phil Helsel - NBC News

Denver police have reactivated an investigation into a male Transportation Security Administration screener who allegedly hatched a scheme to allow him to grope attractive men after several possible victims have come forward, authorities said Wednesday.

The male screener and a female TSA employee who allegedly assisted in the plot were fired, the agency said Tuesday. The Denver District Attorney's Office said when police presented the case to them in March it was unable to pursue criminal charges because no victims had complained or been identified.

A day later, after the news broke, several people called authorities.

"We have had numerous victims calling in," Raquel Lopez, a technician with the Denver Police Department, said Wednesday. Investigators will now determine whether any of the possible victims were groped.

A TSA investigator observed the plan in action on Feb. 9, police said in a report. The screener would signal his helper when he saw a male passenger he thought was attractive, and that accomplice would falsely enter the passenger's sex on a screening machine in order to trigger an anomaly that would justify a pat-down, according to a police report.

The male screener conducted a pat-down of the passenger's groin and buttocks using the palms of his hands, which is against TSA policies, police said. An employee who allegedly heard the screener talking about the plan notified the TSA in November, which launched an investigation. The screener's accomplice said she helped trigger pat-downs at least 10 times in the past, the TSA told police.

"The allegations involved in this case are very disturbing," Lynn Kimbrough, a spokeswoman for the Denver District Attorney's Office, said in a statement Wednesday. "New information coming in from people who believe they may have been a victim will be investigated by the Denver Police Department and reviewed by the Denver District Attorney."

The TSA condemned the alleged scheme Tuesday, calling the alleged acts "egregious and intolerable."

04-16-2015, 09:00 PM
the TSA as a whole is egregious and intolerable

04-17-2015, 02:12 AM