View Full Version : South African women 'dry' their vaginas with bleach to make sex more pleasurable for men

Teh One Who Knocks
04-24-2015, 11:36 AM
Times Live (South Africa)

Women carry a figure of a vagina titled, "The Unsubmissive Pussy", during a pro-choice protest. Women around
the world are carrying out a practice of 'drying out' their vaginas to make sex more pleasurable for men - a practice
which not only leaves them in pain but at increased risk of HIV.

Women around the world are carrying out a practice which not only leaves them in pain but at increased risk of HIV.

'Dry sex' involves women reducing moisture in their vaginas in order to make intercourse more pleasurable for men, according to the Daily Mail report.

“Dry sex is known to be carried out in South and Central Africa, and Indonesia,” the report says. “It is borne out of a cultural belief that men find sex more pleasurable if a woman's vagina is dry, and that men will reject women whose vaginas have been ‘stretched out’ by sex.

“To achieve dryness, women insert, chalk, sand, pulverized rock, herbs, paper or sponges before sex, according to journalist Ms Wendy Syfret, who has reported on the practice in South Africa.

“They also douse their vaginas in detergents, antiseptics, alcohol and bleach. This can lead to cuts, sores and inflammation in the vagina, and increases the chance of a condom breaking.”

04-24-2015, 01:01 PM
uhh, you dumbasses ever heard wetter is better!

and wetter will help prevent deformation, but fuckin's fuckin, do too much of it and yer vag gets ugly one way or another, ladies.

04-24-2015, 02:03 PM
Its the only way to sterilize that infected shit

04-25-2015, 12:14 AM
i bet it kills the aids :shrug: