View Full Version : Washington state dad says daughter, 12, killed self over bullying

Teh One Who Knocks
05-21-2015, 10:47 AM
FOX News


The father of a 12-year-old girl who reportedly hanged herself Thursday said his daughter was the victim of bullying students who he believes pushed the girl to take her own life.

Q13Fox.com reported that Scott Caudel, Amber's father, said kids at Evergreen Middle School would routinely bully the girl, even spit on her. On the day she killed herself, Amber reportedly learned she may have to repeat the seventh grade. Her family says the bullying had a lot to do with her grades.

The father said he reported the bullying issue to school officials twice. The school district said it will look into the matter and said "all of our schools take bullying very seriously."

Dozens of students at the school walked out of class on Monday to honor the girl.

Teh One Who Knocks
05-21-2015, 10:48 AM
You know, I'm sorry the girl is dead, but WTF is up with parents and their kids these days? When I was growing up and in middle school thru high school, people got teased and picked on and bullied. Nobody fucking killed themselves over trivial bullshit like that back then, now it seems if someone looks at a kid wrong in school, they go kill themselves.

05-21-2015, 11:03 AM
You know, I'm sorry the girl is dead, but WTF is up with parents and their kids these days? When I was growing up and in middle school thru high school, people got teased and picked on and bullied. Nobody fucking killed themselves over trivial bullshit like that back then, now it seems if someone looks at a kid wrong in school, they go kill themselves.

I don't know about this case, but the largest difference I have read regarding bullying cases is access to the target. It used to be just a portion of the school day, i.e. at those points when you would encounter your bully or bullies in person. Maybe it was 3rd period gym or recess or an after school fight. Now bullies have access to targets 24/7 and it's far easier to gang up electronically. This kids can't go home to their safe place. It follows them on their phones, social media, gamer tags, etc. They do not get the mental break kids used to get.

I'll use a personal example. I had a period of time I was bullied around 13-14 mostly but continued until 16. It was almost all verbal/psychological, including death threats. But it was just at school plus a couple really mean letters mailed to the house. If, during that period, I had a barrage of that 24/7 with no stepping away from it, no wear to hide, and piling on by more kids? Man, I don't know how that might have ended.

(As an aside, one of the main perpetrators emailed me an apology 30 years after the fact.)

Teh One Who Knocks
05-21-2015, 11:12 AM
I don't know about this case, but the largest difference I have read regarding bullying cases is access to the target. It used to be just a portion of the school day, i.e. at those points when you would encounter your bully or bullies in person. Maybe it was 3rd period gym or recess or an after school fight. Now bullies have access to targets 24/7 and it's far easier to gang up electronically. This kids can't go home to their safe place. It follows them on their phones, social media, gamer tags, etc. They do not get the mental break kids used to get.

Then maybe as a parent you shouldn't let your kid be on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter 24/7? Or how about as a parent, just do you job and be a parent and be a part of your kid's life? Half of these stories you end up hearing the parent(s) say they had no idea their kid was having a problem.

05-21-2015, 11:22 AM
Then maybe as a parent you shouldn't let your kid be on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter 24/7? Or how about as a parent, just do you job and be a parent and be a part of your kid's life? Half of these stories you end up hearing the parent(s) say they had no idea their kid was having a problem.

I don't disagree that TVs and electronics have replaced parents. Parents seem out of touch and kids are less socialized. Poor socialization is huge in my my mind.

05-21-2015, 11:34 AM
It doesn't help that parents coddle their kids to make sure they are never upset, never get hurt, etc. When something does happen the kids don't have the basic skills to cope with it and either go postal or suicidal.

05-21-2015, 01:45 PM
You know, I'm sorry the girl is dead, but WTF is up with parents and their kids these days? When I was growing up and in middle school thru high school, people got teased and picked on and bullied. Nobody fucking killed themselves over trivial bullshit like that back then, now it seems if someone looks at a kid wrong in school, they go kill themselves.

i think back in the day kids were killing themselfs over getting bullied but we did't have the media coverage we do today so just didn't hear about it as much , but the same forms of media are also causing bullying and now it seems every kid has a smartphone and is connected to the internet 24/7 lots of bullying will unfortunately be missed by parents sometimes at no fault of there own

Noilly Pratt
05-21-2015, 03:19 PM
I have a 12 year old daughter. She does not have a Facebook account, nor does she want one. She does have e-mail but the deal is that we can review it anytime we want. Some of her friends have a phone but she doesn't. She does have an MP3 player and listens to music, and also audio books.

She actually lost a best friend because when they got together they didn't talk, the other girl just texted friends who weren't with them, so she gave her an ultimatum. Technology won.

She's in the Jazz and Concert bands and has dance classes every Saturday. She channels her energy into creative writing. Her older cousins are great role models.

I'm hoping that her self worth and life interests will bullet-proof her from the bullying. Both her Mom and I were bullied something fierce. Me for being tall prematurely and overweight, and my wife for being short, coke bottle glasses, crooked teeth etc.

You do your best, but it's a worry. But that's my job I suppose! A job I gladly do.

05-21-2015, 03:33 PM
She actually lost a best friend because when they got together they didn't talk, the other girl just texted friends who weren't with them, so she gave her an ultimatum. Technology won.

Wow, that's sad.

05-21-2015, 04:09 PM
The only thing bullies understand is violence and unfortunately must people who are being bullied dont have the brawn/aggression to resort to that...... i did though. I got bullied at secondary school at one point, think i was around 14 and a bit overweight (not obese or anything, just a bit cuddly [emoji38] ), had been on the receiving end of the usual fat jibes for a couple of months and eventually lost it outside of class registration one day. I picked the main instigator, who was also the biggest, and proceeded to knock fuck out of him until a couple of teachers pulled me off......... suddenly everyone wanted to be my friend and i was never bullied again :)

05-21-2015, 04:23 PM

Noilly Pratt
05-21-2015, 04:58 PM
The only thing bullies understand is violence and unfortunately must people who are being bullied dont have the brawn/aggression to resort to that...... i did though. I got bullied at secondary school at one point, think i was around 14 and a bit overweight (not obese or anything, just a bit cuddly [emoji38] ), had been on the receiving end of the usual fat jibes for a couple of months and eventually lost it outside of class registration one day. I picked the main instigator, who was also the biggest, and proceeded to knock fuck out of him until a couple of teachers pulled me off......... suddenly everyone wanted to be my friend and i was never bullied again :)

I had a similar thing. My best friend at the time started to chime in on the bullying, so I'd had it. It was exam week, and to top it off my father was in the hospital.

Dipshit decides to pick a fight. I grab him by the shirt collar with one hand, pin him up against a locker and with the other close my fist and bring it back, ready to hit. It took all my self control not to punch. I was shaking.

All of a sudden I realize everyone in the hall has stopped and their jaws are open. I was and am usually Mr. Cool. His expression is one of complete fear. I let go my grip of him and to my surprise I didn't just grab his shirt, I grabbed it and lifted him up bodily by it a few feet off the ground. Amazing what adrenaline will do for you.

No one decided to pick a fight with me after that. :D

We just had a beer last week, and are still on good terms! :)

05-21-2015, 05:00 PM
The guy i smacked, im going to his wedding in august [emoji38] We're good mates nowadays

05-21-2015, 05:20 PM
But now you end up in court - zero tolerance and all. That's part of the problem. Sometimes kids fight, let it go.