View Full Version : Pigeon arrested and jailed after police believe it’s a Pakistani spy

Teh One Who Knocks
06-02-2015, 11:28 AM
Nicholas Reilly for Metro.co.uk


This pigeon might look like any another member of the feathered species – but Indian police believed it was a Pakistani spy and sent the animal to jail for espionage.

The would-be feathered James Bond was taken to a police station by a 14-year-old, after he discovered a mysterious note attached to the animal – which was written in Urdu and listed a Pakistani phone number.

But logic failed to prevail, and the animal was arrested after police didn’t try ringing the number to see if the pigeon had been reported missing.

And after an X-ray of the bird failed to secure more information, the bird was placed under armed guard to prevent it flying back to Pakistan.

Speaking to the Indian Times, Superintendent Rakesh Kaushal explained that while no proof of pigeon espionage had been found, they were still suspicious and had decided to keep the bird in custody.

‘Nothing adverse has been found, but we have kept the bird in our custody’, he said.

‘This is a rare instance of a bird from Pakistan being spotted here. We have caught a few spies here. The area is sensitive, given its proximity to Jammu, where infiltration is quite common’.

06-02-2015, 11:30 AM
Pluck the fucker, cook it, and eat it. That'll show those Pakistanis.

06-02-2015, 11:38 AM
Hold it for a prisoner exchange.

06-02-2015, 12:05 PM