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View Full Version : Creepy or cute? Starbucks barista tells girl she is 'extremely hot' in cheeky cup message

Teh One Who Knocks
11-25-2015, 11:26 AM
By Levi Winchester - The Express


That is what the internet is struggling to decide, after the flirty employee left a cheeky message for a customer on her cup of coffee.

Fancying his chances, the coffee company employee scribbled out words from a warning on the paper cup, leaving behind a message which read: "Careful you're extremely hot."

The picture of the cup also showed the girl's name 'Lora' written on it alongside a smiley face, and an arrow pointing to the message.

It was posted online to Facebook group S**t London by Alex Blaine, the mother of Lora, and has since received a flood of comments.

While some applauded the Starbucks employee for his sense of humour, others branded him creepy and the message borderline harassment.

Ms Bain captioned the picture with: "Creepy barista writing inappropriate messages on my daughter's coffee cup. Looks like son-in-law material."


The post currently has over 500 likes and received over 100 comments of divided opinion toward the flirty message.

User Tatiana May wrote: "Would you like some creep with your coffee ma'am'."

While Tim Ward put: "I'm sure he's fallen foul of some harassment laws there somewhere."

Ryan James followed on from his comment and wrote: "If she burns herself you could always sue... There was no warning it was hot."

However, the comments were not all bad as some Facebook users thought the message was sweet rather than sour.

Cliff Chapman wrote: "Oh for God's sake. Does no one have a sense of humour any more?"

Another user, Phil Goddard, wrote: "If someone wrote that on my double espresso, it would make my day. I'd keep the empty cup on my mantelpiece to cheer myself up. What's everyone complaining about?"

His post received 50 likes, with Kelli Widdowson responding: "Clearly not. Everyone has to get all crazy and hormonal over a simple gesture! That's why when you smile at people these day, they think you are weird."

Others wanted to know the age of the daughter in order to make their creepy or cute judgement. Ms Blaine responded that her daughter is 19.

Juliet Brando posted: "How old is your daughter? It goes from flirty-inappropriate to inappropriate-horrific depending on a sliding scale of 25-year-old daughter to 5-year-old daughter."

The recipient of the cup has yet to come forward or reveal how she felt about the cheeky message.

11-25-2015, 11:47 AM
She IS hot. :shrug:

Teh One Who Knocks
11-25-2015, 11:48 AM
But you can't flirt with her and tell her that, that means you are a creepy stalker and probably a pre-rapist as well :nono:

11-25-2015, 12:16 PM
If you don't shoot from 20yds you won't score from 20yds.

11-25-2015, 12:20 PM
But you can't flirt with her and tell her that, that means you are a creepy stalker and probably a pre-rapist as well :nono:


11-25-2015, 12:25 PM
But you can't flirt with her and tell her that, that means you are a creepy stalker and probably a pre-rapist as well :nono:

There's no such thing as a "pre-rapist" we're all rapists from birth, only years of feminists education can reduce the chances we act on our urges.

11-25-2015, 12:26 PM
There's no such thing as a "pre-rapist" we're all rapists from birth, only years of feminists education can reduce the chances we act on our urges.

Finally one of you natural-born-rapists understands the true nature of man.

11-25-2015, 12:28 PM

11-25-2015, 01:35 PM
*rapes the thread*

11-25-2015, 05:45 PM
Finally one of you natural-born-rapists understands the true nature of man.

Ohh pishh, don't you know?

Your physical looks determine of you're a rapist or a really hot dating prospect. It's all in the eye of the beholder...

11-25-2015, 05:48 PM
beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. :tup:

11-25-2015, 05:54 PM
And it also depends on how satisfying the sex was...if she decides the next morning the sex wasn't great, you are a rapist :tup:

11-26-2015, 03:09 AM

11-26-2015, 10:19 AM
If this was a girl barista doing this to a male customer, it'd be brave and cute and all sorts of good stuff... what the fuck is wrong with people these days? Does everything have to be offensive, creepy, bad and unacceptable?

11-26-2015, 01:24 PM
If this was a girl barista doing this to a male customer, it'd be brave and cute and all sorts of good stuff... what the fuck is wrong with people these days? Does everything have to be offensive, creepy, bad and unacceptable?

You answered your second question with your first point.

11-26-2015, 02:07 PM
If this was a girl barista doing this to a male customer, it'd be brave and cute and all sorts of good stuff... what the fuck is wrong with people these days? Does everything have to be offensive, creepy, bad and unacceptable?

Your post offends me [-(

11-26-2015, 03:26 PM
You answered your second question with your first point.
I is smart liek dat. :lol:

Your post offends me [-(
You getting offended triggers my micro-aggressions towards disapproved posts. :lol:

11-26-2015, 05:39 PM
If this was a girl barista doing this to a male customer, it'd be brave and cute and all sorts of good stuff... what the fuck is wrong with people these days? Does everything have to be offensive, creepy, bad and unacceptable?

Seriously, it all depends on what you look like. Women seldom make complaints about hot looking men. If you don't look GQ and try something like that, get ready for the complaint.