View Full Version : U.S. police killed more people last month than British cops did in 95 years...

12-13-2015, 03:07 AM

A new study has shown more people to have been shot dead by U.S. police in the month of November alone than British officers have killed since 1920.

According to The Guardian (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database), American law enforcement fatally shot 78 people last month, whereas U.K. police have not shot and killed anyone in that same time frame. The study also states that only 51 people have been killed by British police in 95 years.

While Europeans have stricter laws leading to fewer crimes involving firearms, EU states have experienced vastly lower incidents of death from police officials than their American cousins. In 2013, only six bullets were fired in total by police in Finland and in Iceland, and only one fatal police shooting has be recorded in the 71 years of the country’s existence.

More here: http://deadstate.org/u-s-police-killed-more-people-last-month-than-british-cops-did-in-95-years/

12-13-2015, 04:45 AM
Apples to oranges. I would go into detail, but can't be asked to type 10 pages of shit.

Here, lets do another comparison between two countries with completely different societal and judicial values...

In Best korea, if you speak ill of the supreme jackass, you'll be executed...

12-13-2015, 04:49 AM
Apples to oranges. I would go into detail, but can't be asked to type 10 pages of shit.

Here, lets do another comparison between two countries with completely different societal and judicial values...

In Best korea, if you speak ill of the supreme jackass, you'll be executed...

That was going to be my question to you and the other members, what are the biggest differences?

Canadians compare themselves to both the UK and US as big cousins, so I just see two countries with violent history, major cultural division, poverty (Britain having a lower average salary), veteran issues, similar unemployment rates hanging around 5-6%... basically the major check-boxes that I figure leads up to a person doing something stupid enough to get them-self shot, and seeing two fairly comparable countries. So what are some hypothesis on the difference in this stat?

I know you said you don't want to type 10-pages, but do you have like 5-10 bullet points on why these numbers are so vastly different?

12-13-2015, 06:17 AM
-Population for starters. We have 6 times the population of the UK? Factor that into what I'm about to type.

-Leaching assholes "Low class, poor". Can't really say welfare recipients because honestly, about 80% of those that receive it are 3rd, 4th, and 5th generation welfare recipients. Meaning it's in the family history. They were taught how to leach off the government. The vast majority of creatures in this class of subhuman asshats pay zero taxes, have extensive criminal histories, and bring absolutely nothing to the table of societal advancement. These people make up over half of our population as a nation, and are made up of every race, but generally minorities. They raise little creatures. They have zero regard for other humans or authority figures, have an extreme sense of entitlement because everything is given to them by uncle sam, and are taught to treasure material things, even if it means stealing, robbing, and murdering for them. Most of them are alcohol or drug dependent.

-The working/middle class. They make up about 30% of society. They pay the vast majority of the taxes the government collects. They get shit on daily by the above and below classes. Politicians are slowly taxing them into the lower tax bracket, or sending their jobs over seas. The vast majority of those that get an education and have an I.Q over room temperature are smart enough to leave this country like rats leaving a sinking ship. Most go to canada or australia.

-The rich/politicians. Generally pay zero taxes, but want others to pay more taxes to support the lower class so the lower class doesn't riot and kill them all *FYI, it's about to happen soon*. Slowly but surely they are getting rid of decent paying middle class jobs by sending them over seas via trade agreements or bringing cheap labor here via H1B visas. They do everything they can to blame everyone else for our societal problems whilst snatching up every dollar they can through said backroom trade agreements. The vast majority of these megalomaniacal assholes are hypocrits, liars, and thievs of the highest order. Their motto of choice is "Do as I say, not as I do."

I could split this up better, but it sums up the US pretty decently. I skipped a few classes but you get the gist.


Since you mentioned unemployment, I'll add a little.

Our unemployment rate is quantified by those actively seeking jobs, but cannot find one. This does NOT account for those that have long given up on finding jobs and joined the lower class/poor ranking above.

Our true unemployed percentage is closer to 15%, not the 6-7 that jackass politicians throw out to make themselves look good.

Oh, and if you add in those people that are in prison for bullshit charges for asinine laws, because you know, privitization of prisons is big business, it would be closer to 20%.

12-13-2015, 06:44 AM
Sorry mate whats that got to do with good policing?

You saw how the brits deal with the Stabbing in England a few days ago, in America the guy would of been shot dead, right?

12-13-2015, 07:30 AM
It all comes down to societal issues. Ours is fked, while yours isn't so much.

The police hear deal with a very large chunk of the population that was raised to fear and hate them.

12-13-2015, 07:36 AM
I don't wanna sound argumentative but I have seen clip after clip of "yours" antagonizing officers to be shot dead, do that else where in the world, not just England and they are taken down or disarmed. Does it just simply come down to the fear factor that if the copper doesn't kill this guy they will get killed themselves?

I know when the offender has a gun its totally different and to be honest if they didn't drop it the first time I would probably shoot them too!

12-14-2015, 02:18 AM
You telling me they couldnt of disarmed/disabled this guy


12-14-2015, 02:22 AM
The article said they tried to Taser the guy but it had no effect. The article also said that the guy was suicidal, so apparently he was too chickenshit to off himself in the privacy of his own home. It was suicide by cop.

12-14-2015, 02:27 AM
Shoot him in the arm/leg multiple times. Easy!

12-14-2015, 02:34 AM
In a residential neighborhood? Not quite as easy as you think. And it poses a danger to the general public. Aim for center of mass and be certain not to miss. That's easy and it's what's best for the greater good.

I know you don't agree with this, but this is the way it works here in the US: If you want to stay alive, obey the police and don't assault them. If you want to die, well, there you go. End of story.

12-14-2015, 02:39 AM
No no, you got me wrong, I agree with it and being a copper in that situation I'd probably do the same being so threatened, I just cant figure why its so different country to country that's all.

Just interested in your thoughts/opinions

12-14-2015, 02:39 AM
No no, you got me wrong, I agree with it and being a copper in that situation I'd probably do the same being so threatened, I just cant figure why its so different country to country that's all.

Just interested in your thoughts/opinions

12-14-2015, 02:41 AM
Shooting to wound is asinine, and dangerous.

At best, if you wanted to stop someone quickly, you could possibly shoot for the pelvic girdle, but even then, with adrenaline pumping and god only knows what drugs, it doesn't always work.

I personally saw a pitbull take 13 rounds of .40 cal before it would let go of a cops arm.

Shooting someone is absolutely nothing like the movies. It takes multiple rounds to center mass or head to stop a threat reliably. You see all those police shootings where cops shot someone 12-13 times? it's because the person didn't drop until then.

Remember. Cops are to serve and protect, but not at the detriment of their own health.

12-14-2015, 02:44 AM
It really depends on the situation. I promise you, as a guy who comes from a family chock full of law enforcement, I can honestly say that the vast majority of police out on the street don't want to kill anybody. Situations like this are among their worst nightmares. But it's the job. The first order of business is the protection of the surrounding public. The second order of business is the protection of themselves. If they can take the guy alive, then they will. This guy wanted to die and he didn't give them much of a choice. From the video it looks like the cops had a choice, but when you're standing there and you have to make a split second decision in the moment, it's a completely different story.

12-14-2015, 03:03 AM
No no, you got me wrong, I agree with it and being a copper in that situation I'd probably do the same being so threatened, I just cant figure why its so different country to country that's all.

Just interested in your thoughts/opinions

I answered you before, it comes down to societal issues and how people are raised.

When half of our country is raised to hate and fear cops, get rich no matter what, have no respect for others lifes or property, etc...

Yea, cops are going to shoot more people.

Why are the most of them minorities? Well that's simple. 70% of crime that police respond to is done by minorities.

12-14-2015, 03:07 AM
I answered you before, it comes down to societal issues and how people are raised.

When half of our country is raised to hate and fear cops, get rich no matter what, have no respect for others lifes or property, etc...

Yea, cops are going to shoot more people.

Why are the most of them minorities? Well that's simple. 70% of crime that police respond to is done by minorities.

I know you replied, I was replying back to DemonGeminiX

12-14-2015, 04:07 AM
Ahh sorry

12-14-2015, 10:03 AM
Lets also not forget that fewer than 5% of UK police are routinely armed whilst on duty, 1.6% in Scotland. :2cents:

12-14-2015, 10:51 AM
Lets also not forget that fewer than 5% of UK police are routinely armed whilst on duty, 1.6% in Scotland. :2cents:

That surely got to of increased ten fold in light of whats happened!

12-14-2015, 12:27 PM
That surely got to of increased ten fold in light of whats happened!

I wouldn't expect it to dramatically change. There are many more trained in firearms use and there may be a few more deployed or put on alert but flooding the streets with armed police won't happen imo.

12-14-2015, 12:27 PM
Damn double post!

12-14-2015, 01:08 PM
The main difference imho is that any cop in the UK who stops a suspect can be relatively sure that the perp doesn not have a concealed handgun......... in the US any cop who stops a suspect knows there is a high chance the perp does have a weapon, therefore, any sudden moves by the suspect result in a "shoot first, ask questions later" approach. I don't blame them tbh........

12-14-2015, 01:23 PM
^ that