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View Full Version : Amy Schumer Accused of Stealing Jokes, She Denies

Teh One Who Knocks
01-21-2016, 12:30 PM
By Michael Allen - Opposing Views


Comedienne Amy Schumer has been accused of stealing jokes from other comedians. An unidentified source edited together examples of the alleged joke stealing in a video (below) posted on Vimeo on Jan. 19.

The controversy began on Jan. 18 when comedienne Wendy Liebman tweeted (and removed): “Between Amy Schumer doing 1 of my best jokes on her HBO special and this meme of my joke, I’m done with social media,” notes Refinery 29.

According to the Daily Mail, Liebman's joke went: "Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I like it when the guy pays for sex," while Schumer's joke from her October 2015 HBO special was: "I'm very old school, I think the guy should always pay on the first date for sex."

"Arrested Development" writer and stand-up comedian Chuck Martin tweeted back to Liebman: "So maddening. You and @kathleenmadigan should talk."

Comedian Tammy Pescatelli reportedly tweeted (and deleted) on Jan. 19: "What has always been amazing to me is that she purports to be a feminist and yet only steals from other female comedians. If we call her on."

"it we are 'jealous' or career shamed. Be successful. WE want you to do well, just do it will your own material.BTW she blocked me."

Pescatelli reportedly tweeted and deleted examples of her jokes and Madigan's jokes that had been used by Schumer in her stand up routine and TV show, "Inside Amy Schumer."

"So many more but nobody listens...at least Cosby knocked his victims out b4 he raped them," Pescatelli also reportedly tweeted and deleted.

The examples mentioned by Pescatelli and Liebman were edited together in the Vimeo video along with some instances of Schumer allegedly stealing jokes from Madigan and the late comedian Patrice O'Neal.

Schumer denied stealing jokes from O'Neal during a brief interview with TMZ in October 2015.

Liebman tweeted on Jan. 19: "I never said @amyschumer stole my joke.I just said it was the same.It's possible we both wrote it.I just wanted you to know I wrote it 1st."

On Jan. 20, Schumer tweeted: "On my life, I have never and would never steal a joke."

Liebman tweeted on Jan. 20: "I think both @amyschumer and I like it when a man pays...for sex. #greatminds #parallelthinking."


<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/152393981" width="720" height="405" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

01-21-2016, 04:48 PM
That vid is great

01-21-2016, 04:59 PM
what the

This video does not exist.


01-21-2016, 05:14 PM

Teh One Who Knocks
01-21-2016, 05:16 PM
It was there when I posted it, I'm guessing someone was threatened with legal action or something :-k

01-22-2016, 02:36 AM
No surprise. Her shit act could only take her so far... in fact I don't have a fucking clue how it got her this far in the first place. To me her act looks like:

"Vagina" - audience laughs hysterically
"Men don't like me" - standing ovation
*Farts* - Wins Primetime Emmy

01-22-2016, 02:59 AM
i think there is only so much comedians can write about. their minds think alike, so its not surprising that two people come up with a similar joke having never heard the other say it :shrug:

Teh One Who Knocks
01-22-2016, 11:23 AM
No surprise. Her shit act could only take her so far... in fact I don't have a fucking clue how it got her this far in the first place. To me her act looks like:

"Vagina" - audience laughs hysterically
"Men don't like me" - standing ovation
*Farts* - Wins Primetime Emmy


Not sure why she is popular because she is completely unfunny

01-22-2016, 02:31 PM
I tried watcher her show....I STOPPED. :lol: