View Full Version : Boom box sparks brawl on Los Angeles-bound jet

Teh One Who Knocks
03-11-2016, 01:12 PM

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LOS ANGELES - (AP) -- Authorities say a flight on a Los Angeles-bound plane turned into a mid-air brawl over a noisy boom box.

It happened Wednesday morning aboard Spirit Flight 141 from Baltimore.

Authorities tell the Los Angeles Times that two intoxicated women began blasting music. When other passengers asked them to turn it down, they refused and instead held the boom box in the air and waved it around.

Spirit Airlines spokesman Paul Berry says that's when a second group of passengers approached and there was a scuffle.

Police were notified and when the plane landed at Los Angeles International Airport, five women involved in the fight were pulled off the plane.

The FBI also was called to investigate but nobody was arrested.

03-11-2016, 01:53 PM