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View Full Version : Russian envoy to NATO warns US over Baltic Sea incident involving destroyer

Teh One Who Knocks
04-21-2016, 10:50 AM
FOX News and The Associated Press

Russia's ambassador to NATO accused the U.S. Wednesday of trying to intimidate Moscow by sailing a Navy destroyer in the Baltic Sea, and vowed Russia would respond to future incidents with "all necessary measures."

Alexander Grushko spoke following a meeting of the NATO-Russia council in Brussels, the first in nearly two years. The meeting, which involved Grushko and ambassadors from NATO's 28 member states, ran over its allotted time by about 90 minutes, but produced no major breakthroughs.

"It's better to talk than not to talk," Grushko told reporters, before adding that relationships between NATO and Russia would not improve "without real steps on NATO's side to downgrade military activity in the area adjacent to the Russian Federation."

Reuters reported that U.S. ambassador to NATO Douglas Lute pressed Grushko about the April 11 incident in which two Russian Su-24 attack aircraft buzzed the USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea. The destroyer was conducting flight operations with a Polish helicopter when the jets approached came within 1,000 yards of the destroyer at a height of 100 feet. The following day, a Russian jet came within just 30 feet of the destroyer.

"We were in international waters," Lute told Grushko before reiterating that the incident had been dangerous, according to Reuters. U.S. officials told Fox News last week that they believed the incident breached a 1972 agreement meant to prevent such near-misses from occurring. Grushko insisted that the Russian aircraft "were acting fully in line" with international agreements

Grushko told reporters the USS Cook's presence in the Baltic was a NATO attempt "to exercise military pressure on Russia", then added, "we will take all necessary measures, precautions, to compensate for these attempts to use military force."

Secretary of State John Kerry said last week that under U.S. rules of engagement, the Cook could have opened fire on the planes. The Russian jets did not appear to be armed at the time.

The NATO-Russia Council was founded in 2002 as a forum for consultations between the former Cold War foes, but before Wednesday, had last met in June 2014, when the Kremlin's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine sent relations with the West into a tailspin.

NATO has suspended practical cooperation with Russia because of the Crimean annexation and what it views as Russia's support for the armed insurgency in eastern Ukraine.

"NATO and Russia have profound and persistent differences," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, who chaired the council, told reporters afterward. "Today's meeting didn't change that."

04-21-2016, 10:54 AM
Doesn't sound good. Might just be that Russian bravado, but still...

04-21-2016, 11:49 AM
tbh it's closer to there home than yours :lol: can't you play ships around your own country , would save a lot of gas

04-21-2016, 11:52 AM
If we don't play in your neck of the woods than y'all would be speaking Russian in 5 years.

04-21-2016, 11:52 AM
:rip: earth

04-21-2016, 11:52 AM
If we don't play in your neck of the woods than y'all would be speaking Russian in 5 years.

only after i learn syrian :lol:

04-21-2016, 11:59 AM
only after i learn syrian :lol:

Don't forget Chinese. You'll need that too.

04-21-2016, 12:08 PM
Don't they own all your loans?

04-21-2016, 12:28 PM
They own some debt, but it's only about $1.23 trillion. Given that our total debt is $19.2 trillion, it's hardly all of anything. Total foreign investment in the US is about $7 or $8 trillion (I think) and it's spread out among many countries. I think Japan owns more US debt than anybody, and we're sworn allies, so that gives you a good idea why we're over there all the time.