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View Full Version : House Approves Measure to Stop Obama From Releasing Gitmo Detainees

06-17-2016, 02:35 PM

President Obama is likely going to be very unhappy with the House after they decided to pass a measure that will keep him from releasing any more prisoners from Gitmo.

I guarantee he’s probably curled up in the fetal position in the Oval Office, sucking his thumb and stomping his feet on the floor in an epic temper tantrum since he’s being put back in his place.

Here are the details.

From The Washington Post:

"The House took aim at President Obama’s efforts to winnow the population of detainees at Guantanamo on Wednesday, approving a measure that would prohibit him from releasing any of the remaining prisoners at the prison camp.

The measure goes beyond what Republicans have routinely sought to keep the administration from moving Guantanamo detainees to the United States.

Instead, the proposal would prevent the Obama administration from using any funds to release Guantanamo detainees to any destination, even a third-party country — effectively freezing the detainee population at current levels.

It is unclear if the measure could earn the Senate’s support. The White House has already recommended that Obama veto the defense policy bill over a variety of concerns, including how it allocates war funds and its restrictions on planning for the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to U.S. facilities.

President Obama has been pressing Congress to help him close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay since he came to the White House, and a major part of that effort has been focused on transferring detainees to third-party countries."

It’s about time Congress start doing the job they were elected to do by keeping a check on the president’s power, particularly when it comes to making rather stupid decisions, like releasing dangerous terrorists out into the world.

We shouldn’t be sending extremists back home where they will rejoin the battlefield. They need to be given military tribunals and sentenced appropriately, rather than being released or held indefinitely at Gitmo.

That’s just my two cents, though.

Regardless, I think we can all agree it’s a good day when Obama gets told “no.”

Michael Cantrell
12:52pm June 16, 2016

06-17-2016, 02:41 PM
I guarantee he’s probably curled up in the fetal position in the Oval Office, sucking his thumb and stomping his feet on the floor in an epic temper tantrum since he’s being put back in his place.

I would pay to see any politician do that. Talk about entertainment value!

06-17-2016, 04:07 PM
gitmo should not even exist

06-17-2016, 08:48 PM
gitmo should not even exist

It wouldn't have to, if we made sure captured terrorists ceased to exist.