View Full Version : Prof corrects minority students’ capitalization, is accused of racism

07-19-2016, 08:58 PM
Racial tensions are inflamed at the University of California at Los Angeles following several incidents — most notably, one where a professor corrected the grammar, punctuation and capitalization in minority students’ assignments.

The act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression,” according to the members of the student group “Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color,” which launched a sit-in during a subsequent meeting of the class.

“A hostile campus climate has been the norm for Students of Color in this class throughout the quarter as our epistemological and methodological commitments have been repeatedly questioned by our classmates and our instructor,” wrote the group in a statement to the college. “[The] barrage of questions by white colleagues and the grammar ‘lessons’ by the professor have contributed to a hostile class climate.”

Some 25 students participated in the sit-in, including five of the 10 members of the class.

07-19-2016, 09:08 PM

07-20-2016, 12:38 AM
It's so ironic how triggered we're all getting at this "micro-aggression" "SJW" type shit :lol: My friends and I jokingly use the word triggered all the time now. Fuck it's genuinely so irritating though.

07-20-2016, 01:19 AM
It wasn't enough that the the defiant "I don't need to know shit!" ignorant fuckwits had to be pushed through the public school systems, now they think they deserve diplomas for being stupid.

07-20-2016, 01:43 AM
It's so ironic how triggered we're all getting at this "micro-aggression" "SJW" type shit :lol: My friends and I jokingly use the word triggered all the time now. Fuck it's genuinely so irritating though.

It's refreshing to see someone like yourself. Educated to the max And still able to see things for the way they really are. Why do the super educated so often turn to making excuses for bad behavior?

07-20-2016, 03:38 AM
I had a discussion about "trigger warnings" recently. The person's intent was to take me to task because I was making fun of the concept. She explained that people with legitimate trauma often have triggers that cause recurrence of trauma symptoms.

Fair enough.

I replied that, in this context, it was a disservice to legitimate trauma victims to have their real mental health issues trivialized. The SJW's have taken a real trauma issue and minimized it to a meme. So when I make fun of campus "trigger warnings", I am actually standing up for legitimate victims and attempting to marginalize whiny college students who have co-opted the language for a political, not therapeutic, purpose.

*blank stare* *crickets*

*drops mic*

07-20-2016, 07:15 AM
It's refreshing to see someone like yourself. Educated to the max And still able to see things for the way they really are. Why do the super educated so often turn to making excuses for bad behavior?

Thanks man. I hope most people know it's not a whole generation. Like everything, it's a few dumb apples.

I'd argue that it's not the best educated either. It seems to be the little twerps who barely pass "Intro to Philosophy", "Psychology 101" and "History of Race in America 107" in their first term at college that are the most outspoken and act like they know it all... Just that tiny bit of higher education on their resume and access to sites like Tumblr that stir it up, gives them some perverted sense of entitlement like their opinion matters to the world :lol:

07-20-2016, 07:29 AM
I had a discussion about "trigger warnings" recently. The person's intent was to take me to task because I was making fun of the concept. She explained that people with legitimate trauma often have triggers that cause recurrence of trauma symptoms.

Fair enough.

I replied that, in this context, it was a disservice to legitimate trauma victims to have their real mental health issues trivialized. The SJW's have taken a real trauma issue and minimized it to a meme. So when I make fun of campus "trigger warnings", I am actually standing up for legitimate victims and attempting to marginalize whiny college students who have co-opted the language for a political, not therapeutic, purpose.

*blank stare* *crickets*

*drops mic*

Awesome. :lol: Would pay to be a fly on the wall.

She probably ran to Tumblr and told some bullshit story about how a white male tried to oppress her which ended in everyone clapping as you were shamed out of the party :rofl: :|

Teh One Who Knocks
07-20-2016, 10:23 AM
I had a discussion about "trigger warnings" recently. The person's intent was to take me to task because I was making fun of the concept. She explained that people with legitimate trauma often have triggers that cause recurrence of trauma symptoms.

Fair enough.

I replied that, in this context, it was a disservice to legitimate trauma victims to have their real mental health issues trivialized. The SJW's have taken a real trauma issue and minimized it to a meme. So when I make fun of campus "trigger warnings", I am actually standing up for legitimate victims and attempting to marginalize whiny college students who have co-opted the language for a political, not therapeutic, purpose.

*blank stare* *crickets*

*drops mic*


07-20-2016, 05:15 PM
I had a discussion about "trigger warnings" recently. The person's intent was to take me to task because I was making fun of the concept. She explained that people with legitimate trauma often have triggers that cause recurrence of trauma symptoms.

Fair enough.

I replied that, in this context, it was a disservice to legitimate trauma victims to have their real mental health issues trivialized. The SJW's have taken a real trauma issue and minimized it to a meme. So when I make fun of campus "trigger warnings", I am actually standing up for legitimate victims and attempting to marginalize whiny college students who have co-opted the language for a political, not therapeutic, purpose.

*blank stare* *crickets*

*drops mic*

I'm so wet right now...

Noilly Pratt
07-20-2016, 05:40 PM
Well said, RBP. Reminds me of Good Will Hunting where Matt Damon's character takes to task the snobby student who has wonderful textbook knowledge, but lacks real-world insight.

In 1998 I was working for the gov't, modernizing their ancient NT computer systems in their small outlying offices. I, 33, had about 10 years of experience, and it was my task to get the PCs configured to work with their esoteric software. An early-20-something whiz kid with lots of Microsoft papers was to configure the servers and have it all done for about 7 offices we'd drive to in a week. We worked 12 hour days.

The whiz kid of course tried to berate me and tell me my job, and was basically an annoying little gnat. Most everything he did had to be undone remotely, but my stuff was right the first time because I took my time and actually talked with the people I was dealing with.

Because he thought the North of our province was "wild" he brought a dagger for self protection and told me of his philosophy on life, which, was, well, odd. He told me about his E. Indian culture and how men are superior to women, how he knew gangsters, that I should sell my just purchased house because it was stupid to have. Lots of opinionated stuff and most of it bull for anyone with half a brain.

I told him to eventually STFU and just do his job. I'm a placid guy who gets along with everyone, but not him.

Teh One Who Knocks
07-20-2016, 06:05 PM
Well said, RBP. Reminds me of Good Will Hunting where Matt Damon's character takes to task the snobby student who has wonderful textbook knowledge, but lacks real-world insight.


07-20-2016, 07:14 PM
Why do the super educated so often turn to making excuses for bad behavior?

because the "super educated" are not immune to groupthink, and this is a very big reason why the feds overstepped their bounds and created things like the dept of education and started trying to standardize all education across the country. the halls of professors in certain areas become echo chambers, reinforced by fedbucks, geared towards an ends.