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View Full Version : Moment ‘NASA cover up’ caught on film as ‘buildings on the moon’ discovered

Teh One Who Knocks
07-22-2016, 12:43 PM
By Jon Austin - The Express


A NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN photograph filmed on a NASA employee’s desk during an interview, shows buildings on the moon, it has been claimed.

Conspiracy theorists believe the picture of "an oblong-shaped structure" was inadvertently left on the desk while the interview took place at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, USA.

They go on to claim that it proves an age-old myth that NASA is aware intelligent aliens visit the earth and moon, but that they refuse to disclose this to the public because of the fear of the impact it would have on religion and the rule of law among the masses.

The image was spotted during an interview with project scientists Anthony Colaprete and Dr Kim Ennico.

Conspiracy theorists say the image on the table shows structures, clear geometric shapes that cannot be confused in any way as “natural formations” or “moon rocks”.

Some have even suggested a NASA employee who want to get the truth out may have left them out on purpose.

The images which first emerged in 2012 are still raising questions on conspiracy site forums.

Ancient-code.com posed the question: "The big question a lot of people ask today is, 'are governments around the world and their organisations covering up information on Extraterrestrial life?' According to these images and video, the answer is a big YES.

"So why hide it that much? Could these structures, and I say structures because there are more, be the reason NASA has not been on the Moon in a while?


"All of these questions are still unanswered and we can only continue and wonder what is happening on our Moon."

The website went on to speculate it would be logical for airlines to build a base on the moon to observe us on Earth.

It added: "We are thinking on doing the same thing actually.

"If we really plan on going to Mars, we would need to create moon bases on both Earth’s moon and Phobos and Deimos from Mars.

"Doing this would facilitate space travel, logistics and make it much easier to operate these types of Missions. So when you ask yourself could there really be an Alien moon base on Earths moon? The answer is yes.

"It makes sense, its not something out of a science fiction movie anymore, its something that we are planing on doing."

NASA insists the only man or humanoid-made objects it has ever photographed on the moon, were taken there during its Apollo missions, and denies finding any evidence of alien life on the moon or anywhere else.

07-22-2016, 01:52 PM
I don't believe that guy in the photo has ever worked for nasa, prove it please

Hikari Kisugi
07-22-2016, 05:18 PM
It the daily fucking express
Th meant to say mars in the title
As all their soace bullshit is Bout mars now
Just they forgot to update from the moon

Please just cruise missile strike their office now
Fucking express bullshit fuckwits