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View Full Version : Domino's delivery driver crashes while showing off with a wheelie on Clapham High Street

Teh One Who Knocks
09-19-2016, 11:42 AM
Fiona Simpson - The Evening Standard


A pizza delivery driver was sent sprawling across the tarmac after trying to pop a wheelie on a south London high street.

Domino's Pizza has launched an investigation after footage emerged on social media of the driver toppling over after trying the motorcycle stunt on Clapham High Street.

A short clip of the stunt shared on social media shows the driver speeding along the busy road on his back wheel with both legs out to one side.

Cheering in the background soon turns to laughter as he overcooks his wheelie and the bikes falls over.
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The clip shows two cars driving past in the opposite direction, and ends with him bringing his motorcycle back to the upright position and appearing to take off on two wheels.

The video prompted on Twitter user to ask: "I wonder what state the pizzas were in?"

A spokeswoman for the pizza chain described the driver's antics as "wholly unacceptable".

She said: "The safety of the public and of our colleagues is of paramount importance and this is clearly wholly unacceptable behaviour.

"We have launched an investigation to find the driver concerned and take appropriate action."

09-19-2016, 12:51 PM

red? :-k

09-19-2016, 01:35 PM
maybe it was all the deep crusts pizza's with extra toppings that was in his back box