View Full Version : Bristol is the most hipster city in the UK, where one in five men have a full beard

09-20-2016, 01:24 PM

It is official - Bristol is the most hipster city in the country as new research reveals we home the most full beards with one in five men embracing the hairy-faced look

Hipsters have arrived in their hordes across the UK taking over certain quarters where their crushed avocados and kale chips are plentiful.

But a new study has shown no area homes quite as many of the checked shirts fanatics than Bristol, where 20 per cent of our residents sport the full beard - a hipster's most defining trait.

While Bristol men are choosing their hair, London lads are spending up to three hours a week getting rid of it – with 35 per cent of clean-cut Chelsea chaps spending half an hour a day pruning and primping.

In a bid to reveal the nation's most opted-for beard types, experts in laser hair removal Transform has created The Beard Bible, deciphering the holy trinity of male grooming – the hair, the face and the body, amen!

Around 1,000 men were surveyed in order to gain an insight into the world of male grooming.

Despite the increasing interest in beards, over 50 per cent of male brits are still sporting stubble or the clean shave, at 28 per cent and 25 per cent respectively.

Get those neckbeards shaved; only 1 per cent of men are still a fan of the goatee, which has a brief revival in the 90's but should probably be shaved alongside the curtains boyband haircut

Most popular beard types by region
Leeds & Manchester – Stubble (36%, 38%)
Liverpool – Long beard (13%)
Bristol – Full Beard (20%)
Birmingham – Stubble (29%)
Dublin – Moustache (27%)
Belfast – Moustache (14%)
Glasgow – Clean/ Close shaven (31%
Researchers also found, 'Scots' are spending the most money on removing unwelcome body hair, with almost 10 per cent sending up to £30 freeing themselves of the fuzz.

Almost 15 per cent of Geordies, Scousers and Yorkshiremen are currently styling a full beard every day, which can be as long and complex as a hairstyle. Men in Newcastle are also sporting some rather unruly facial hair, with 33 per cent of male residents in the city representing some very bushy eyebrows.

Belfast boys are channelling the likes of Hugh Jackman and Paul Rudd, with 36% admitting to having untameable chest hair, 23% thick stomach and arm hair and 27% are finding their shoulder hair to be a little bit of weight upon them.

Shami Thomas of Transform said: "Beard transplant enquiries have sky-rocketed since 2014, when the trend began to blossom, with an increase of 58% for enquiries alone! Facial hair is important to men, whether you have it or not. Like a hairstyle, it's a part of someone's identity and the image they are trying to project.

"The amount of time and money spent on facial grooming shows how important it is to both men and their partners."

Read more: http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/bristol-is-the-most-hipster-city-in-the-uk-where-one-in-five-men-have-a-full-beard/story-29731030-detail/story.html#ixzz4KnnSeL5y

09-20-2016, 03:46 PM
:hand: A beard doesn't make you a hipster....being a douchebag does.

09-20-2016, 03:48 PM
oh we have loads of those as well :lol:

09-20-2016, 08:38 PM
hipster twat :haha:

09-20-2016, 08:45 PM
hipster twat :haha:
Still better than being Welsh

09-20-2016, 08:50 PM
its not though.... is it :lol:

09-20-2016, 08:54 PM
OK but it's close :lol:

09-20-2016, 08:54 PM