View Full Version : Send condoms to space to teach aliens how to have (out of this world) sex with 'hot earthlings', Swedes say

Teh One Who Knocks
09-30-2016, 11:11 AM
By Jenny Awford for MailOnline


It's an out of this world idea that has generated some...uplift.

And now NASA is being urged to consider firing condoms into space after a bizarre campaign went viral here on earth.

The Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU) said condoms might come in 'handy' if aliens decide to 'visit earth and find some hot earthlings'.

In a Star Wars-inspired video to promote the 'space condom' idea, the non-profit organisation said the 'little latex thingy' is one of the most important inventions ever.

'Dear Nasa. We know you guys sometimes sent stuff into space so that whatever life is out there will get an idea of what does on here on earth,' it said.

'You forgot to inform little green people about one super important object – the condom.

'We can't be sure about what aliens' sex organs look like. A condom might always come in handy if they decide to visit earth and find some hot earthlings.'


The video, published on World Contraception Day, is intended to promote the use of condoms back on earth.

In the petition to NASA, the Swedish charity said: 'If people can decide if and when to have kids they stay in school longer, improve their economy and give birth to babies later in life with fewer risks to their own health.

'Access to contraceptives is a universal right. With the SWEDISH SPACE CONDOM we aim to go truly universal in order to fulfil this right.'

09-30-2016, 12:53 PM

Teh One Who Knocks
09-30-2016, 06:48 PM
