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View Full Version : Kim Kardashian robbed of millions in jewelry by masked Paris gunmen

Teh One Who Knocks
10-03-2016, 10:58 AM
FOX 411 and The Associated Press


Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint of more than $10 million worth of jewelry inside a private Paris residence Sunday night, police said.

A spokeswoman for the reality TV star said Kardashian was "badly shaken but physically unharmed" after men disguised as police officers also tied her up in the flat’s bathroom before fleeing the scene.

Paris police said five armed, masked men, who were still at large, stole a box containing valuables worth $6.7 million as well as a ring worth more than $4 million. The two officials confirmed Kardashian escaped uninjured and that an investigation was underway.

Police said the robbers tied up Kardashian and locked her in the bathroom before escaping on bikes.

Her husband Kanye West was performing at the Meadows Music and Arts Festival in New York City at the time and abruptly ended the concert, telling his fans that he had to deal with a “family emergency.”

"I'm sorry, family emergency I have to stop the show," West told the audience.

Founders Entertainment, which promoted the festival, released a statement to Billboard, saying “"Due to a family emergency, Kanye West was forced to end his performance towards the end of his set. We appreciate the great show he put on for fans to close out the inaugural Meadows Festival. Our thoughts are with West and his family."

Paris has been a special place for the Hollywood power couple, who spent the weekend there before marrying in Florence in May of 2014.

Kardashian stayed at the residence near Paris' Madeleine church. Police said the thieves entered the building after the concierge let them in. Handcuffed and at gunpoint, he then led them to the starlet's flat.

It's unclear whether the couple's two children, 3-year-old daughter North and 10-month-old son Saint, were with Kardashian when the robbery happened. Police said the actress' family was placed under police protection at the George V hotel after the incident.

Kardashian was also ambushed last week by a serial celebrity accoster who attempted to assault her as she was entering a restaurant. She was also attacked outside of a Paris fashion week show in 2014. She wasn't hurt in either incident.

10-03-2016, 11:47 AM
oh well

Teh One Who Knocks
10-03-2016, 11:49 AM
We should start a GoFundMe page for her

10-03-2016, 11:57 AM
i'd rather not , i wouldn't want all the hate mail aimed at me :lol:

10-03-2016, 12:15 PM

10-03-2016, 01:22 PM
It was probably planned so she could make an insurance claim.. Lets see.

Hikari Kisugi
10-03-2016, 03:21 PM
It was probably planned so she could make an insurance claim.. Lets see.

Ponder that, isn't Kanye meant to be broke.

10-03-2016, 03:36 PM

10-03-2016, 03:36 PM
Ponder that, isn't Kanye meant to be broke.

Rich people broke is a whole different kind of broke

10-03-2016, 07:46 PM
imagine the ratings this episode is going to get :|

10-04-2016, 04:09 AM
Rich people broke is a whole different kind of broke

Someone listens to Dave Ramsey.

10-04-2016, 04:07 PM
Someone listens to Dave Ramsey.

Don't know him, should I check him out?

10-04-2016, 04:09 PM
Found some youtubes of his, checking him out

Teh One Who Knocks
10-05-2016, 12:17 PM
By Diana Falzone - FOX 411

The harrowing details of the armed robbery of $10 million in jewels from Kim Kardashian in Paris has created a media firestorm, and some are saying that's exactly what the reality star wanted.

Adding some fuel to doubters' fires: According to a report from TMZ on Tuesday, there was no surveillance video inside or outside the ultra-expensive, ultra-private hotel.

“How did Kardashian free herself from being tied up in the bathroom? Or who found Kardashian in the hotel room or bathroom? Where was her security and hotel security personnel or hotel security cameras,” wonders pivate investigator Patricia D’Orsa-Dijamco. “If this was a publicity stunt, she could be in big trouble for making a false police report. Does 'Ryan Lochte' sound familiar?”

Lochte is the U.S. swimmer who got in hot water at the Rio Olympics for claiming he was robbed at gunpoint, which later turned out not to be the case.

Police trial expert and former undercover DEA agent Michael Levine said when he first heard of the reality star’s traumatic ordeal he initially thought the Kardashian robbery could be an elaborate hoax.

“It was one of the first possibilities that occurred to me. By now the French police might have a good idea of this," he said. "However, I'm certain they will say nothing. They have enough problems.”

Levine said Paris has more pressing law enforcement issues. “The amount of terrorism problems, threats and investigations ongoing in France right now likely has every man and woman with a badge working double-time, so if you wanted to run a hoax or publicity stunt, and I am not saying that is what they did, but France would be the place to do it,” Levine said.

An NYPD detective told FOX411 that while the robbery sounds legit to him, there may have been some embellishing around the edges.

“Most likely they knew she was staying there, and cased the spot, but it’s more likely they are blowing the story up for publicity because she has a huge security detail," the detective said. "She most likely has something new that’s going to happen.”

The new season of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” debuts on October 23.

However, pop culture expert Lex Jurgen at gossip site WWTDD.com doubts the events were made up, rightly noting that Kardashian is not hurting for attention.

“She has so many ways to get publicity that don’t involve her getting arrested for lying to the police," Jurgen said. "She could lose her top at Fashion Week and get 10 million SEO hits."

FOX411 reached out to the local Paris police department but did not receive comment.

Kardashian’s rep told FOX411 in a statement: "Kim Kardashian West was held up at gunpoint inside her Paris hotel room this evening, by two armed masked men dressed as police officers. She is badly shaken but physically unharmed."

10-05-2016, 12:20 PM
Don't know him, should I check him out?

I have one of his books. AcidTrip pointed me to it.

10-05-2016, 03:36 PM
I looked at his best seller, from what I could gather it sounds like standard info. Which did you get, is it worth reading...anything you didnt already know?

10-05-2016, 04:17 PM
Harambe co-wrote it..

10-05-2016, 04:19 PM
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14568013_1144696428898923_1147168375756166212_n.jp g?oh=9557be8d119d1ce451afe0d76206bd13&oe=58718919

Teh One Who Knocks
10-14-2016, 02:21 PM
Tito Ojo-Medubi - Inquisitr

Masked men robbed Kim Kardashian of jewelry worth millions in a French hotel; many people believe the robbery was staged. The Daily Mail sought the opinions of two security experts who posed mysterious questions that nobody including the police has not been able to answer.

Why Stay In A Hotel Without CCTV Cameras?

Kim rented a $17,000-per-night penthouse suite at the “no address hotel” tucked away in the bustle of Paris. The hotel has no surveillance cameras inside or outside the building.

For a woman reportedly worth over $150 million and who lives plenty of her life on social media where millions of fans know her every movement, many people are puzzled by the actions; the reality TV star took over her safety.

Security experts have said despite the L’Hôtel de Pourtalès being a high-end hotel, they will never recommend it to a famous or wealthy client because it smacks of a robbery just waiting to happen.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KimKardashian?src=hash">#KimKardashian</a> West Crime Scene Had No Security Cameras: Source <a href="https://t.co/LxHDo9Y2xM">https://t.co/LxHDo9Y2xM</a></p>&mdash; Notifyr (@NotifyrInc) <a href="https://twitter.com/NotifyrInc/status/784028628585766916">October 6, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Former undercover DEA agent, Michael Levine pointed out that the lack of surveillance cameras provided fertile ground for a lawsuit that could easily blame the incident on poor security.

Why didn’t her well-paid security team tell her that it was totally a bad idea to sleep with over $11 million worth of jewelry without having CCTV cameras around?

What Happened To Her Security?

Pascal Duvier is head of Kim’s security team. He is in charge of close protection staff and her drivers. The 35-year-old has been known to move around with as many as 12 bodyguards at one time. However, the Keeping With the Kardashians star did not have one security detail by her side when she got robbed. Reports say in Los Angeles, she has a permanent team of four that watch over her day and night.

According to her PR team, Kim traveled to Paris with three bodyguards, who divided their work time between the reality TV star and her two sisters, Kendall and Kourtney who were staying at another hotel.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Kim Kardashian: Paris Hotel Where She Was Robbed Has Almost ‘Zero Security’ <a href="https://t.co/wybVBPNfZ4">https://t.co/wybVBPNfZ4</a></p>&mdash; HollywoodLife (@HollywoodLife) <a href="https://twitter.com/HollywoodLife/status/783188406381740035">October 4, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
On the day of the robbery, Kim told Duvier to go out with her sisters, it was her decision. Why did Pascal Duvier agree to this? Why didn’t the burly bodyguard allocate another detail to watch over her? Security experts find it hard to believe that no one was watching the famous celebrity especially in the wake of terror attacks and high crime rates that had hit the French nation.

Why Was Kim’s Door Not Bolted From the Inside?

There was no sign of forced entry into Kim’s flat. In an interview with police men, Kim said the concierge let the robbers into her flat after getting into the elevator using a key card and pin number as well as accessing an armored door that uses a master key.

The million dollar question is why her door was not bolted from the inside. This was a basic security precaution she should have been told considering the expensive jewelry she had and the absence of security personnel. Since there were no CCTV cameras to detect the approach of criminals, it was really a no-brainer to try to deter any form of intrusion by locking the door from the inside.

Moreover, why would a high-end hotel leave only one porter on night watch, giving him the license to take unverified men in the middle of the night to the room of client without due diligence, just because they asked to see her? A simple phone call downstairs should have done the trick, rather than taking five men up to her luxury apartment.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">New York Times Most Viewed Stories: Kim Kardashian Is Tied and Robbed of Millions in Jewels, French Police Say <a href="https://t.co/rwKqe9zSLV">https://t.co/rwKqe9zSLV</a> Ari…</p>&mdash; Ari Pregen (@AriPregen1) <a href="https://twitter.com/AriPregen1/status/784080698751811584">October 6, 2016</a></blockquote>
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How Did She Get Out of Her Restraints So Quickly?

Kim Kardashian said she was bound by the wrists and ankles with zip ties and dumped in a bathtub during her robbery ordeal. The mother-of-two who said she begged for life said e managed to free herself from the restraints by “wriggling her hands”, after which she headed to the balcony and screamed for help.
Nobody heard her screams.

Experts have said if Kim was bound by zip ties, it would have been impossible to wriggle them off her hands because zip ties are made of durable nylon with tiny teeth and a molded ratchet.

Zip ties lock when the teeth align, so the more you wriggle the more they tighten. If they are tied in front, they can be broken if hands are raised above the head, brought down with speed and force while keeping elbows apart. Even if the zip ties do come off, experts say they cut deeply into the wrists. There was no visible sign of injury on Kim’s hands.

It is standard procedure for victims to assist police with their inquiries after a crime has been committed. Why was Kim allowed to leave France just seven hours after the robbery incident? Police say she gave a statement at her apartment.

She never went to a police station.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Kim Kardashian leaves France after police questioning on robbery: Kim Kardashian left France on Monday after ... <a href="https://t.co/3OaljpLuVY">https://t.co/3OaljpLuVY</a></p>&mdash; Yahoo Singapore (@YahooSG) <a href="https://twitter.com/YahooSG/status/782915590088380416">October 3, 2016</a></blockquote>
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She was not interviewed at length. Her clothing and skin were not tested for potential DNA that might have been left by the robbers.

Do you think that the robbery was a set-up by Kim Kardashian?

10-14-2016, 02:43 PM

10-14-2016, 09:57 PM

10-14-2016, 11:56 PM
I called that shit