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View Full Version : ‘We will prove we're in a simulation’ Silicon Valley convinced we're living in the MATRIX

Teh One Who Knocks
10-12-2016, 01:31 PM
By Sean Martin - The Express


SILICON Valley billionaires are so convinced we are living in a computer simulation that they are going to invest heavily in funding research to prove it.

Tech innovators at Silicon Valley, home to the headquarters of many of the technology world’s biggest companies such as Apple, Facebook and Google, believe that we are not living in the real world and are in fact a product of computer simulation.

French philosopher René Descartes originally theorised about the brain-in-a-vat in his 1641 Meditations on First Philosophy where he said that our minds are all being controlled from a laboratory.

Since then, technology has advanced so much and, coupled with the rise of AI, many believe that we are living inside a virtual reality.

In a New Yorker profile on Sam Altmon of Y Combinator – a company that nurtures and speeds up the growth of start-up tech firms – revealed that Silicon Valley, including Mr Altmon, is “obsessed” with the idea of computer simulations.

The piece reads: "Many people in Silicon Valley have become obsessed with the simulation hypothesis, the argument that what we experience as reality is in fact fabricated in a computer; two tech billionaires have gone so far as to secretly engage scientists to work on breaking us out of the simulation."

Billionaire Elon Musk, who’s Tesla Inc is situated in Silicon Valley, has also previously expressed his belief that we are in a simulation.

Mr Musk, who is also CEO of SpaceX, said: “The strongest argument for us probably being in a simulation I think is the following; 40 years ago we had Pong – two rectangles and a dot. That’s where we were.

“Now 40 years later we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously and it’s getting better every year. And soon we’ll have virtual reality, we’ll have augmented reality.

“If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality, just indistinguishable.”

He furthered his argument by saying that even if the progress of video games dropped drastically, they would still be advancing significantly relative to real life.

This means that games will soon become as realistic as real life, and that “it would seem to follow that the odds that we’re in ‘base reality’ is one in billions”.

10-12-2016, 01:47 PM

10-12-2016, 03:47 PM