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View Full Version : Woman Exposed For Grooming 'Weak' Men Online

Teh One Who Knocks
10-26-2016, 01:02 PM
by Jonathan Constante - Opposing Views


A New Zealand teenager is reportedly grooming unstable men online, convincing them to commit degrading sex acts and hinting at them to commit suicide for her (video below).

Hanna, 17, otherwise known as “Poison Ivy,” has been seeking her victims in online gaming communities, the Daily Mail reported.

According to a YouTube video uploaded by MarsRPG, Hanna has been targeting vulnerable men and bullying them into committing humiliating sex acts on webcam.

“She encourages guys to do disgusting acts, via webcam on a live screen, like showing their genitals, spreading their butt cheeks on camera and sticking objects up their a**,” the YouTube user said in the video.

MarsRPG went on to say that Hanna sought out “weak, socially awkward guys who have never had a girlfriend or a social life.” He said Hanna’s goal is for the victim’s to eventually “kill themselves for her as an act of love.”

“This girl will not stop until these guys kill themselves,” MarsRPG said. “She grooms them for months. We need to report her.”


MarsRPG showed screenshots from Hanna’s Twitter, which showed messages supporting and glamorizing suicide. Her Twitter bio reads: “I treat all men like s*** because they are weak and they deserve it. I bully the weak to make them weaker as I simultaneously grow stronger.”


Hanna, who is reportedly from New Zealand, has more than 900 followers. Her Twitter profile is filled with images of men from all around the world declaring their love for her.





One of those men, who is from Texas, spoke with the Daily Mail about his relationship with Hanna and how she punishes him for speaking to other girls even though she speaks to multiple men. He said:

I would consider suicide if she would take herself with me. We basically share her. I'm OK with it. But a few others take it too far. She tells me what she wants me to do over Skype. I love to Skype see... So yeah I do some pretty weird stuff for her but it's worth it cause she gives me attention.

I don't get much attention. I've always been a loner. I dig dirt for a living, making holes in the ground to make swimming pools. So I don't get out much.

I see myself as inferior to her so the rules don't necessarily apply to her. I know it sounds crazy but if you're in the situation and get the kind of attention you've never experienced before you overlook the hypocrisy.

I'd never question her motives for fear that she'd stop talking to me.

Hannah reportedly convinced this man to pour vinegar down his urethra. She’s convinced another man to shave his eyebrows and another man to stick his head down a toilet on video.


10-26-2016, 01:42 PM
stupid fuckers :lol:

Teh One Who Knocks
10-26-2016, 01:46 PM
Twitter has suspended her account today

10-26-2016, 03:34 PM
That is fucking comedy

10-27-2016, 01:11 AM
I don't even need to say it...