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View Full Version : Nurses left four-year-old boy so dehydrated he sucked wet wipes before tragic death at scandal-hit hospital

Teh One Who Knocks
10-28-2016, 11:41 AM
By Gemma Mullin , Emma Grimshaw - The Mirror


Nurses left a four-year-old boy so dehydrated he sucked wet wipes before he died at scandal-hit children's hospital , according to a damning report.

Sean Turner, who suffered a catastrophic brain hemorrhage, was subject to a catalogue of errors during his aftercare at Bristol Children's Hospital after undergoing major heart surgery.

An inquiry found the youngster, from Warminster, Wiltshire, was "not given the best possible chance of survival" and recorded 22 failures by doctors and nurses, the Bristol Post reports.

In the latest inquiry, nine experts ruled University Hospital Bristol Foundation Trust was also guilty of maladministration for failing to be open with Sean's parents in the lead up to his dead in March 2012.

The conclusions from the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman go a lot further than that of a huge review carried out by NHS England which was published in June.

Sean, who as born with his heart on the right side of his body, was left so dehydrated due to a lack of care by nurses that his parents found him sucking wet wipes for moisture.

The report highlighted systematic failures in the level of care experienced by Sean and also flagged up he should have been moved back to intensive care rather than being left on Ward 32.

The Spider-Man fan died in March 2012 from a bleed on the brain after he was given clot-busting treatment for three days instead of the recommended six hours.

Nurses also failed to monitor the effect of this medicine on Sean.

The trust has now been ordered to write 'an open and honest acknowledgement of the failings identified ' in the report and 'an apology of the impact'

The inquiry did not find that Sean would have definitely survived without the trust's failings.

The report read: "Nevertheless, the distress Mr and Mrs Turner have suffered, and continue to suffer, will undoubtedly be compounded by the uncertainty – however small - of never knowing whether Sean might have survived if everything that should have been done for him, had been done."

Robert Woolley, chief executive of the trust, said: "I would like to extend our condolences again to Sean Turner's family for the sad loss of their son.

"I am deeply sorry for our failings in care and for the impact they had on Sean and his family. We want to get our care right for every child, every time, and I bitterly regret that we didn't do this for Sean. I am also very sorry that we compounded their grief by giving inaccurate and incomplete responses to their subsequent complaint.

"While the Ombudsman specifically investigated Sean's care in 2012, the Care Quality Commission reviewed a random sample of complex children's cardiac cases between 2012 and 2014 and the Independent Review commissioned by NHS England examined not only the detail of many individual cases but the overall operation, quality and governance of our children's heart service from 2010 to 2014.

"All these reviews found examples of good care and all of them noted that we had made significant improvements since 2012 in our infrastructure, procedures, staffing, training and bereavement support.

"We are particularly determined to strengthen the partnership between families and staff which is the basis of safe and effective, high quality care.

"We have formally apologised to Sean's parents. We remain in contact with them and we will ensure that they are fully informed about all the improvements we have made and continue to make in response to the findings of the recent reviews."

Here are some of the key failings identified in the report:

Systemic failings by nurses who did not provide the standard of care expected and failed to recognise, report or escalate concerns about Sean's deteriorating condition.

Sean's fluid input and output was not measured accurately by ward nurses and he was allowed to become "significantly hypovolemic" – meaning a serious loss of bodily fluids as a result of him being so clinically dehydrated that his life was at risk. Despite signs of serious dehydration his dose of diuretic medication, which added to his fluid loss, was increased.

Sean should have been returned to intensive care when his condition deteriorated but he remained on a non high dependency ward.

Sean's anticoagulation treatment was not monitored in line with guidelines

The risk of him developing a clot was lower if he had been keep properly hydrated.

Sean's parents were misled by staff about the level of high dependency care their son would receive.

When a bleed on Sean's brain was suspected there was an inappropriate delay in arranging a CT scan and his blood thinning medication was not stopped.

10-28-2016, 11:44 AM

10-28-2016, 01:18 PM