View Full Version : Hillary Clinton Supporters Doxxing, Harassing Electoral College Voters

Teh One Who Knocks
11-16-2016, 12:58 PM
By Emily Zanotti - Heat Street


Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton have already gotten more than 4 million signatures on a petition asking the Electoral College to toss Donald Trump’s victory. But some, apparently, aren’t content to simply vent their frustrations online.

According to reports out of Idaho and elsewhere, Clinton supporters have obtained Electoral College voters’ personal information and are harassing them with calls, Facebook messages, emails and even home visits, encouraging them to become “faithless electors,” and change their Trump votes to Clinton votes.

And they aren’t being kind about it: “A lot of ’em use bad, rough language,” said Layne Bangerter, one of Idaho’s electors. “Nothing I feel intimidated over. But we’re watching it very closely. They’ve got our home phone numbers, our cell numbers, our emails, our Facebook. We’re just getting an orchestrated barrage from the left.”

“They attack my religion, they attack my politics, they tell me that I must be a terrible father, I must be a terrible American, they use foul language — every swear word,” Bangerter said.

Another of Idaho’s electors told local media that the calls — some of them pre-recorded — were coming from across the country, from California, Massachusetts, Oregon, and New York, among other states.

While Idahoans may be the most vocal about the harassment, lists of Electors, their home phone numbers, addresses and contact information began floating around social media Monday. POLITICO published a list of Electors last week, and supporters clearly spent the rest of the weekend filling in necessary information.

A Twitter account called “VoteHillary2016” was among those who Tweeted out the Google spreadsheet containing Electors’ personal information. The account has since deleted the Tweet, but others have already taken up the cause.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The only thing left is to call these individual electors &amp; beg for them to change there vote to Hillary, since she won the &#39;popular vote&#39; <a href="https://t.co/0nrNmyQm1f">https://t.co/0nrNmyQm1f</a></p>&mdash; Alex (@aroseblush) <a href="https://twitter.com/aroseblush/status/797985649525596160">November 14, 2016</a></blockquote><script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Upending a national election by switching 40 Republican electoral votes to a vote for an opponent is a high hurdle.

Some of the calls are telling Electors to “vote for Jeb.” This is because Republican electors are unlikely to abandon a Republican candidate, and it appears Clinton supporters feel that if they give Electors a more “sensible” Republican option, their chances of getting Electors to switch their votes is higher. There’s even a Democrat-led effort called “Moral Electors,” joining the fray.

11-16-2016, 02:00 PM
never heard of doxxing tbh :shrug:

"Doxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents), or doxxing, is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information (especially personally identifiable information) about an individual or organization."

11-16-2016, 05:13 PM
Sound like criminal stalking and harassment to me.

11-17-2016, 05:48 AM
She conceeded. Doesn't matter. On top of which, even if they faithlessly voted her ass in, the house would have to approve. Guess what, it's republican controlled. :lol: