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View Full Version : Teacher known as 'Paedo Jones' struck off after pupil spots 'schoolgirl's face in his groin in class storeroom'

Teh One Who Knocks
11-19-2016, 12:14 PM
By Patrick Lion - The Mirror


A teacher has been struck off after a schoolgirl was allegedly seen with her face in his groin in a class storeroom.

Mathew Jones, 29, was seen by a shocked schoolboy in a "suggestive position" in the PE cupboard with the girl.

The teenage boy said he saw Jones leaning against a table with the girl's face in his groin during a game of hide-and-seek.

Asked what his view was like, the boy, named only as Pupil X, said: "I couldn't see his private parts, but I didn't think she was doing up his shoelaces.

"It reinforced Mr Jones's nickname – Paedo Jones".


Chemistry teacher Jones also coached the lacrosse team for the town of Ruthin, North Wales, and helped with PE lessons.

Jones admitted he should not have been with a single pupil who, he said, had been "helping him to store equipment".

He was also accused of using unprofessional language to colleagues after one allegedly spurned him on a staff night out from Ysgol Brynhyfryd School in the town.

He is accused of saying: "She wouldn't have rejected me if she had seen the size of my penis."

Jones denied unacceptable professional conduct during his time teaching.

He has since resigned and did not appear at the Education Workforce Council hearing.

In a letter to the panel he said: "Looking back, I realise I have put myself in some vulnerable positions.

"If I ever return to teaching I will avoid putting myself in such a position again."

But he was found guilty by a panel of the Education Workforce Council and struck off from the teaching register for two years.

Panel chair Steve Powell said: "There is insufficient evidence that he had an insight into the serious nature of his conduct.

"The committee is also concerned that there is a risk of repetition of this behaviour."

Speaking after the hearing, Brynhyfryd headteacher Geraint Parry, said: "The issues were raised about Mathew Jones in 2014 and an investigation was launched and he was suspended.

"During this time Mr Jones left the school.

"The due process has taken place and the right conclusion has followed.

"I want to reassure all parents that pupil safety is paramount to everything we do."

11-19-2016, 12:36 PM
He was also accused of using unprofessional language to colleagues after one allegedly spurned him on a staff night out from Ysgol Brynhyfryd School in the town.

Can i buy a few vowels? :shakehead:

11-19-2016, 08:54 PM
poor guy, getting raped like that :(

11-20-2016, 09:11 AM
Can i buy a few vowels? :shakehead:

just fyi "Y" is a vowel

lost in melb.
11-20-2016, 11:59 PM
Can i buy a few vowels? :shakehead:

possibly explains why she was choking on it :idk:

11-21-2016, 09:19 AM
just fyi "Y" is a vowel

:rofl: :nuts:

11-21-2016, 08:42 PM

I think you'll find it is :-k

11-21-2016, 08:46 PM
but I didn't think she was doing up his shoelaces.


11-21-2016, 09:05 PM
Heres a better picture of the guy..

https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/15134394_1469221326439931_41034058_n.jpg?oh=b66bae 4c38cfdbd49151dc2d6d72943b&oe=5834ECA2

11-21-2016, 09:16 PM

11-21-2016, 09:17 PM