View Full Version : Elite Daily Columnist: ‘It’s OK to Hate Men’ Because You’re Mad About Trump

Teh One Who Knocks
01-23-2017, 01:24 PM
By Jillian Kay Melchior - Heat Street


An Elite Daily columnist says that it’s “It’s OK to hate men because of TRUMP… this weekend, at least.”

Zara Barrie begins her column by noting that she does, in fact, know a few good men, and that she thinks men should “use their male privilege as a powerful platform to fight for us right now.”

Then again, she also has at least one male acquaintance on Facebook who voted for Trump. After stalking that acquaintance on Facebook, Barrie discovered that he not only voted differently than she would have preferred but also hung out with other Trump supporters. She says these men have “slightly animalistic facial expressions” that “triggered” her “because these look exactly like the same men who have traumatized, taunted and humiliated me before.”

“Suddenly, I was filled with a deep resentment,” Barrie wrote, “not just toward these men, but toward the entire male species. I’m not saying it was a rational reaction, but if there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s this: We can’t control our emotional responses to trauma. And this is actual trauma.”

(Nevermind that feminists have, for years, been pushing back against misogynistic men who claim that women are slaves to irrational emotions.)

Barrie says that she briefly attempted to be logical and acknowledge that men vary in quality. But then, “I’ll see a picture of a white, straight man, and I will feel physically sick to my stomach all over again.”

Barrie has a therapist, who has apparently advised her to embrace her feelings. (“Never change” — a surefire way to make emotional progress.)

“You know that famous saying ‘feelings aren’t facts’?” Barrie writes. “Well, it’s true. Me feeling sweeping sensations of male hatred today does not mean that MEN ARE BAD. It’s just a feeling, babe. Shoving down your emotions doesn’t help anything. You need make love to those feelings, even if it makes men uncomfortable. … And also, the cool men — the men who are on our side — will understand.”

Barrie’s article also includes two embedded posts from her own Instagram account, featuring motivational quotes. Those motivational quotes are written by Barrie.

Barrie applauds herself, without irony, for having “tried to filter out all the bigotry that littered my newsfeed this election.”

Then again, she is the one who scribbled a 1,500-word screed that explicitly states– not once, but repeatedly— how she “hates” a specific group.

Reached by Twitter, Barrie said she would not consider her oped “hate speech,” adding that “there is no aggressive message in the piece at all.”

“Have you read the piece?” she asked. “It’s about irrational feelings. … I spend half the article honoring good men. It’s OK to be hurt and being shamed for it by another woman is NOT feminist at all.”

01-23-2017, 01:28 PM