View Full Version : Jenna Jameson Slams Bill Maher: ‘I’ve Seen You At Playboy Mansion, You Fit In With P**** Grabbers’

Teh One Who Knocks
01-25-2017, 12:21 PM
By Lukas Mikelionis - Heat Street


Former porn star Jenna Jameson has attacked Bill Maher for criticizing President Trump over his infamous “grab them by the p****” remarks, claiming she saw Maher at the Playboy mansion and he “fits right in with us ‘p**** grabbers'”.

On Sunday night, Jameson went to Twitter to accuse the host of HBO’s Real Time of hypocrisy for criticizing Trump over the infamous remarks in the 2005 recording with Billy Bush. In the recording, now-President Trump said that when he sees a beautiful woman he feels the urge to “grab them by the p****”.

“Just watched @billmaher for s**** and giggles. You rail Trump about his grabbing p**** statement? lol I’ve seen you at the [Playboy] mansion,” she tweeted.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just watched <a href="https://twitter.com/billmaher">@billmaher</a> for shits and giggles. You rail Trump about his grabbing pussy statement? lol I&#39;ve seen you at the PB mansion, 👀</p>&mdash; Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) <a href="https://twitter.com/jennajameson/status/823328613869043713">January 23, 2017</a></blockquote><script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Some people have instead attacked Jameson for being spurious with her claims, one Twitter user writing “She only said she’s seen him in the mansion; not saying specific behavior”—to which Jameson replied: “trust in fact, I saw his behavior … he fits right in with us ‘pussy grabbers.'”

Another critic pointed out that “[Bill Maher] isn’t president. Some of us expect higher standards for our [POTUS].” Jameson explained her intention of tweeting the allegations, writing, “My point is that he can’t be shocked at Trumps comments many years ago, when he is truly the deplorable one.”

A fan of the former porn star wrote to her claiming that Trump’s distasteful remarks were just “locker room talk,” adding: “My wife says girls talk shit in the locker room too.” She agreed, tweeting: “Oh trust, some of the conversations I’ve heard in women’s circles… made ME blush, and that’s hard to do.”

After being asked “what is your business Jenna?” by one user, Jameson fired back, saying, “Splitting liberal wigs.”

01-25-2017, 04:44 PM
He's a tool