View Full Version : Theresa May could trigger Article 50 by tomorrow

Teh One Who Knocks
03-13-2017, 11:30 AM
Toby Meyjes for Metro.co.uk


Theresa May could trigger Article 50 tomorrow if the Brexit Bill passes its final two parliamentary hurdles.

It is expected that MPs will overturn an amendment to the the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill – to use its official title – in the Commons tonight.

That would mean it would only require Lords approval on Tuesday to allow the prime minister to enact Article 50 and the formal exit talks for leaving the EU.

The bill returned to the House of Commons after the Lords voted for an amendment guaranteeing rights for EU citizens.

However, although up to 10 Tory MPs are reported to be considering opposing the Government or abstaining in the vote that would not be enough for a rebellion to derail the process.

Theresa May will go before MPs on Tuesday to update them on talks she had with other EU leaders at a European Council meeting last week.

Speculation is mounting she will use the opportunity to formally announce the exit process, well ahead of the end of March deadline she originally set.

Speaking on The Andrew Marr Show on BBC One yesterday, Brexit Secretary David Davis called on Parliament to give May a clear run at the two-year negotiation process that will begin when Article 50 is triggered.

‘Please don’t tie the Prime Minister’s hands in the process of doing that for things which we expect to attain anyway,’ he said.

Meanwhile, Liam Fox – the International Trade Secretary – refused to be drawn on the timing.

03-13-2017, 11:41 AM