View Full Version : Connecticut Company Offers ‘Snowflake’ Test to Vet Potential Employees

Teh One Who Knocks
03-20-2017, 11:54 AM
By Lukas Mikelionis - Heat Street


A Connecticut-based marketing company has created a “snowflake” test to weed out entitled liberal Millennials.

The Silent Partner Marketing company has come up with a unique way to vet potential employees. The firm developed a survey for applicants asking a number of questions about themselves. Questions include “What does America mean to you?” and “How do you feel about guns?”

Kyle Reyes, CEO of Silent Partner Marketing appeared on Fox & Friends on Wednesdney, saying “I needed a filter to sort through all of that.” He claimed the reason for the test was to find employees who fit best with the “culture” of the company and the clients they represent.

The CEO said that “Someone who’s not proud to be an American” would be automatically disqualified from a job at the firm. He added that any successful applicant should also be for the Second Amendment, saying that many in the company carry firearms and represent clients who do as well.

The test also contains questions such as “what does ‘privilege’ mean to you?’ and “When was the last time you cried and why?”

Reyes said he’s looking for employees who don’t feel entitled or expect things to be handed to them. He insists, however, that emotional people are welcomed to apply—as long as they don’t need a safe space at the office.

“I want people who have a sense of community, who have a sense of heart, who aren’t afraid to wear their hearts on their sleeves.” He explained. Then added, “But who are able to make an argument and stand by it.”

Another question in the test also asks potential employees about their attitude towards the police. According to the CEO, the Silent Partner Marketing openly supports the police and has pledged to donate up to $500,000 in services to first responders and police.

“We work very, very closely with a lot of police departments and so you need to be comfortable and willing to support the men and women who serve and protect,” Reyes said.

Following the media interest, Reyes said, many other companies have approached him, offering “significant” amounts of money to design a similar test for them.

03-20-2017, 01:05 PM

03-20-2017, 04:23 PM

03-20-2017, 11:07 PM
about fucking time