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View Full Version : Brazen Bristol teenager smokes cannabis in front of police officer and has epic fail

07-02-2017, 10:02 PM

If the sun is shining in Bristol, you will usually notice a certain smell in the air, especially if you’re hanging around parks and open spaces.

The consumption of cannabis is Bristol is often noticeable, with people brazenly smoking in public, but one teenager took that a step further yesterday - and it didn’t quite go their way.

A huge house party took place in Bedminster on Saturday, but unfortunately for the revellers, police were called in to break things up.

When officers arrived at the property on Wedmore Vale, a large group of youths were dispersed.

But instead of trying to leave unnoticed, one of the teenagers decided to start smoking cannabis in front of PC Joe Illes, who took to Twitter to share the face palm moment with his followers.

But the move backfired when the youth was escorted away from their friends by PC Illes and taken straight home to be given a talking to from their parents and the officer.

PC Iles told the Bristol Post: "Taken home to speak with parents, offence to be dealt with when I return to duty next shift."

Probably not the outcome they were hoping for…


07-05-2017, 03:34 PM
Fuckin red