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View Full Version : Russia to spend trillions to upgrade its army and navy before 2027

Teh One Who Knocks
12-20-2017, 01:27 PM
Dmitry Sudakov - Pravda


The Kremlin has received the final version of the state armament program for 2018-2027. The Russian authorities intend to spend about 19 trillion rubles to rearm the army and the navy, the Kommersant newspaper reported on Monday, December 18, citing a source close to the presidential administration.

However, representatives for the Kremlin administration refuted the information. "No, this is not true to fact," Putin's official spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

The article said that Vladimir Putin may sign the document already this week. An official announcement on the subject, the article said, is to be made at the final meeting of the Russian Defense Ministry on December 22.

The state armament program before 2027 has been developed over the past three years. Originally, the program was supposed to be approved in 2016, but the president postponed its adoption for two years due to the unstable economic situation. Economic problems have remained, but the political situation dictates its own conditions, a source told the publication. It has become clear over the recent years that without upgrading weapons and equipment of airborne and ground forces it will be much more difficult to counter possible threats.

According to the program, the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation will receive about 19 trillion rubles for rearmament. The Interior Ministry, FSB, SVR and the Russian Guards will receive more than 3 trillion rubles. Earlier, Deputy Defense Minister for Finance Tatyana Shevtsova said that another one trillion rubles would be allocated for the construction of infrastructure for the deployment of weapons and equipment.

The rearmament program pays special attention to systems of nuclear deterrence, high-precision weapons, weapons based on "new physical principles" and the development of general-purpose forces. Ground troops are to be equipped with new air defense systems, T-90 and T-14 Armata tanks, Kurganets-25 infantry armored vehicles and Boomerang armored personnel carriers.

The arsenal of armaments for Arctic territories is to be expanded with S-300V4 anti-aircraft missile system and Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems.

The Ministry of Defense will continue purchasing air-based cruise missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and land-based intercontinental carriers. New strategic solid-fuel complexes RS-26 Rubezh and heavy liquid RS-28 Sarmat missiles will be adopted. Russian Air Force will receive new multi-functional Su-30SM and Su-35 fighters, as well as Su-34 front bombers, as well as a series of state-of-the-art Su-57 front-line aircraft, 24 MiG-35 fighters, and Tu-160M2 strategic missile aircraft.

The procurement of helicopters will be reduced. The commercial production of S-500 "Prometey" anti-aircraft missile systems and Buk-M3 complexes will be launched along with the production of unmanned aerial vehicles and the new system of space optical-electronic reconnaissance.

The program also provides for the creation of new ships. The program envisages the construction of Project 955B strategic nuclear missile carrier "Borei-B." The modernization of ships, supplies of state-of-the-art aircraft to the naval aviation of the Russian Navy and the creation of coastal missile systems will continue.


12-22-2017, 02:14 AM
trump won't be president then :-k

12-22-2017, 05:43 AM
I'm curious about how this'll work... I love military hardware and history. The US's military is fascinating to me, they have plans in place to replace equipment decades in advance with modernization plans for current equipment along the way. Just look at how long the M1113 has been in service, and the M1 will probably be in service until the 2040's. Replacing a MBT, ACC or air superiority fighter starts with 10-20 years of planning and R&D. The F-22 planning discussions started in 80's. The Nimitz Class program started production in the 60's and lasted until the 2000's, and the new Ford Class will be in production from the early 2000's until probably 2040 if they actually build 10 of them.

If you just try and replace your entire military in 10 years I have to think that's going to be a major rush job and come with a huge host of problems. It seems like just bad fiscal planning, and although I'm sort of talking out my ass here I'm skeptical about their ability to carry out this strategy successfully

12-22-2017, 05:46 AM
That's a 10-year plan to spend half of a 1-year US military budget. :lol:

I think this is a bullshit story anyway.

12-22-2017, 05:51 AM

lost in melb.
12-22-2017, 02:12 PM