View Full Version : Can we stop treating kids like 'delicate morons'?

Teh One Who Knocks
01-19-2018, 11:45 AM
Katherine Martinko - treehugger


Kids aren't stupid, nor will they shatter, but most school playground rules treat them like they are.

Nothing gets my kids fired up like asking about playground rules. Their faces light up with indignation and their voices become shrill as they compete to share thoughts. The entire exchange inevitably ends with a loud "It's so unfair!"

Some of the more ridiculous rules I've heard about from them and their friends (not confirmed by the school) include not being allowed to make snow angels on the ground "because someone might step on them"; not being allowed on any of the climbing equipment if it's wet; not being allowed off the asphalt if the snow is icy; being banned from all ice on the playground; not being allowed to go out when it's raining; and, at their old school, not being allowed onto the field during recess if older kids are playing soccer, which meant staying confined to a section of old concrete. They are told constantly to keep out of puddles, away from trees, and not to take sand out of the sandbox.

In other words, young children are expected to play on the flattest, most boring sections of the playground, and to resist the natural lure of the more appealing parts. Sounds fun, doesn't it? If they cannot make snowballs, wield sticks, or nab a soccer ball, I don't quite know what they do. Walk around aimlessly? Wait for the time to pass? I assume they run a lot.

While I can understand the reasoning behind such rules, I don't agree with them because they treat children like "delicate morons." I have to thank Lenore Skenazy of Free Range Kids for this descriptor.

Overzealous rules assume that kids are incapable of assessing risk and knowing their own limits. Additionally, these rules make the egregious assumption that adults know more about play than kids do. As Skenazy writes on Let's Grow:

"The idea that some rule-maker knows better than some kid standing there, on the playground, how to do something natural — play — is as insulting as it is wrong. Why do we keep acting as if kids have zero common sense, and need adult management/wisdom/hectoring every single second?"

Children are not delicate and they are not morons. They're the opposite -- tough and resilient and quick to pick up new games -- and to be treated otherwise by adults is deeply offensive. The sad thing is, the more we treat children like delicate morons, the more they'll become that. They will start doubting their own physical abilities and shy away from situations where they might get scratched or bruised. Their confidence will wane, their creativity will shrivel, and their health most definitely will deteriorate.

I wish my kids could run out into a schoolyard full of loose parts and nature. I wish they were allowed to govern the way they play, within reason, and not be subjected to often arbitrary and overly paranoid adult interpretations of their games. I suspect that if kids were allowed to build, climb, dig, and throw to their hearts' content, there would be less bullying on the playground because they wouldn't be wandering around, bored, looking for distractions.

But it doesn't seem that school administrators want to take that chance. It's safer to continue treating little people like delicate morons and assume they're incapable of handling themselves at any age. Sadly, this means that we'll end up with a generation of delicate teenage morons, and eventually delicate adult morons, too.

01-19-2018, 06:23 PM
Can't make snow angels because someone may step on them :rofl:

ffs I remember playing Murder Ball* in elementary school recess and the worst thing that happened was that some kids got hurt, and they took the ball away for three days each time :lol:

*Murder Ball - You can pick up the ball or kick it or pass to another player, and only had to get the ball to the other end of the school field to score. Full tackle at any time.

Lots of bloody noses and skinned elbows and knees :lol:

01-20-2018, 02:46 AM
How did this get so bad? We all have granparents who grew up with no rules, parents who just had to be home by dark, I had to stay within a block and had more rules than them, but now kids these days are basically prisoners :lol:

So it's the parent-age generation of the last 10-years (what are they, Gen-X or Y) at the helm.... What happened to them that gave them the incline to raise kids like they're delicate eggshells, prone to death and molestation at every turn? Were their post-war parents too hard on them? Is it our overly litigious society? Is it the stranger-danger/fear-mongering media? Are our memories failing us to some extent, always remembering the 'good old days' being better than they were? A combo?

01-20-2018, 05:39 AM
Once the females took over, the emphasis was on nurturing and self-esteem. Nothing else mattered, no harsh words could be spoken, education standards must favor females. Feminization is about more then standards for adult males. It meant changed curriculum, changed behavioral norms, changed sexual mores. Regardless of anyone's feelings on the merits of that shift, it happened, and it turned prevailing structures on their heads. They will never own that, unfortunately. The loud screeching is a doubling down on their own design. That's on them.

01-20-2018, 06:09 AM
You know I always love your perspective right RBP? I'm a little drunk, and I sincerely mean that.

01-20-2018, 06:29 AM
You know I always love your perspective right RBP? I'm a little drunk, and I sincerely mean that.

You sincerely mean you're a little drunk? Righteous. :lol:

01-20-2018, 03:34 PM
it has often been my experience that other parents think you are a monster if you don't cave in and let the offspring dictate situations. i'm glad i am old enough to not give a fuck about that anymore so that my kids continue to be challenged :lol:

01-20-2018, 09:11 PM
Dee your kids were challenged via the gene pool passed on to them.


01-21-2018, 12:33 AM
they are a couple mini geniuses :lol:

01-21-2018, 06:34 PM
Of course they are, they have to be :lol:

Lil Dee 1 - We gotta get that Nintendo 64 controller away from him!
Lil Dee 2 - I got the sleeping pills. Body mass x height x fat index/cubic volume of milk...we'll need 33 pills.
Lil Dee 1 - Night Night Daddy-O.
Lil Dee 2 - I get the blue Mario Cart :)

01-21-2018, 08:35 PM