View Full Version : Michael Cohen's lawyer sends Stormy Daniels cease and desist letter after '60 Minutes' interview

Teh One Who Knocks
03-26-2018, 12:31 PM
FOX News


The lawyer for Michael Cohen, President Trump’s personal attorney, sent adult film star Stormy Daniels a cease and desist letter late Sunday following her interview with “60 Minutes” where she spoke about her alleged affair with Trump and claimed she faced threats to her safety.

Brent Blakely, Cohen's attorney, demanded that Daniels apologize for insinuating that his client was behind the threat she described that allegedly took place in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011.

Daniels said in the interview that an unidentified man told her: "Leave Trump alone. Forget the story."

She said she was with her daughter at the time and the man continued, "That's a beautiful little girl. It'd be a shame if something happened to her mom."

The letter, which was also sent to Daniel’s attorney, Michael Avenatti, demanded that the actress refrain from making “false and defamatory statements” about Cohen in the future.
Avenatti said, “Will this guy ever come clean with the American people or is he more interested in trying to role play Ray Donovan (badly)?”

Daniels went on to tell “60 Minutes” that she had one encounter of consensual sex with the future president.

"He knows I'm telling the truth," said Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford. She does not allege that she was coerced in her encounter with Trump, saying, "This is not a 'Me too.' I was not a victim."

Daniels received a $130,000 payment days before the 2016 presidential election for her silence and has sought to invalidate a nondisclosure agreement.

The White House did not immediately comment Sunday on the interview. Trump, through his representatives, has denied the allegations.

Cohen has said Trump never had an affair with Daniels. Cohen has said he paid the $130,000 out of his pocket. Cohen has said neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Daniels and he was not reimbursed for the payment.

In the interview, Daniels described a sexual encounter with Trump that began with him talking about himself and showing her an issue of a magazine with his picture on the cover.

She said she asked, "Does this ... does this normally work for you?" He was taken aback, she says. "And I was like, 'Someone should take that magazine and spank you with it.'" She says she then ordered him to drop his pants and, in a playful manner, "I just gave him a couple swats."
She said they talked some more, although he quit talking about himself, and that she became more comfortable.

"He was like, 'Wow, you — you are special. You remind me of my daughter.' You know — he was like, 'You're smart and beautiful, and a woman to be reckoned with, and I like you. I like you.'"

She said after dinner in Trump's room, they had sex. He didn't use a condom, she said, and she didn't ask him to. Afterward, he asked to see her again, she said.

Daniels said that before they had sex Trump had broached the idea of her being a contestant on "The Apprentice," and she likened it to a "business opportunity."

She said he called her several times and would ask if they could get together again and that he had an update for her. She said she felt that he was dangling the opportunity to keep her coming back.

"Of course. I mean, I'm not blind. But at the same time, maybe it'll work out, you know?" Daniels said.

In July 2007, a year after they had met, Daniels said Trump asked to meet with her privately at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles. She said they did not have sex, but he wanted to.

Daniels reported that Trump called her the following month to say he had not been able to get her a spot on his TV show. She said they never met again.

Daniels was asked why she's talking now: "Because it was very important to me to be able to defend myself," she said.

Daniels said she was fine saying nothing at all. "But I'm not OK with being made out to be a liar, or people thinking that I did this for money and people are like, 'Oh, you're an opportunist. You're taking advantage of this.' Yes, I'm getting more job offers now, but tell me one person who would turn down a job offer making more than they've been making, doing the same thing that they've always done?"

"60 Minutes" correspondent Anderson Cooper noted during the interview that Melania Trump had recently given birth just a few months before. "Did he mention his wife or child at all in this?" Cooper said.

"I asked. And he brushed it aside, said, 'Oh yeah, yeah, you know, don't worry about that. We don't even, we have separate rooms and stuff'" Daniels said.

The CBS interview came as Trump deals with allegations about his sexual exploits long before he ran for president.

Former Playboy model Karen McDougal told Cooper in a CNN interview broadcast Thursday that her affair with Trump began at a bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel in 2006. McDougal said she ended the relationship in 2007 out of guilt.

McDougal has filed suit in Los Angeles seeking to invalidate a confidentiality agreement with American Media Inc., the company that owns the supermarket tabloid National Enquirer. It paid her $150,000 during the 2016 presidential election.

The lawsuit alleges that McDougal was paid for the rights to her story of an affair, but the story never ran. It also alleges that Cohen was secretly involved in her discussions with American Media.

Trump is also facing a New York defamation lawsuit filed by Summer Zervos, a former contestant on "The Apprentice." Zervos has accused Trump of unwanted sexual contact in 2007 after she had appeared on the show with him, and sued after he dismissed the claims as made up.

A judge ruled the lawsuit can move forward while the president is in office.

Fox News' Kristin Brown and The Associated Press contributed to this report

03-26-2018, 01:23 PM
I bet Cooper's really proud of himself.

Teh One Who Knocks
03-26-2018, 01:26 PM
Of course he is, he's a liberal partisan hack. He's also a huge hypocrite because if the tables were turned and this had been on FOX News and had to do with Obama, he would have been denouncing it as nothing more than sordid tabloid news and ripping FOX for stooping to this level.

03-26-2018, 02:00 PM
She is unattractive to me.

Teh One Who Knocks
03-26-2018, 02:20 PM
Yeah, never saw the appeal in her, can't say I have ever seen any of her porn and really don't care to either. And this whole thing shows her to be nothing more than an attention whore.

03-26-2018, 03:36 PM
She is unattractive to me.

Agreed. She's not very good looking. That's probably why she's digging for her 15 minutes, because she's been replaced with younger and infinitely better looking pieces of meat.

03-27-2018, 01:18 AM
You know what kills me the most about this? The morally devoid left, who usually has no problem with questionable sexual ethics, is throwing up a big stink about this.

Point number one: they kill babies and teach kids about sexual acts that would make most adults blush.
Point number 2: they have a long list of Dem Presidents, and politicians in general, that have been caught red handed in compromising positions, and it was always much-ado-about-nothing to them.
Point number 3: Trump has been married 3 times. He's been in the tabloids his entire life over his conquests. WE KNEW WHAT WE WERE GETTING FROM THE GET-GO, AND THEY'RE STILL MAKING A BIG DEAL ABOUT THIS. False sense of outrage, anyone?

I heard on the news that Trump's poll numbers have risen since the Stormy interview aired. The law of unintended consequences is at play again. Cracks me up.

lost in melb.
03-27-2018, 01:21 AM
Yep, you knew what you were getting alright :doggybanana:

Teh One Who Knocks
03-27-2018, 12:23 PM
Henry Rodgers, Political Reporter - The Daily Caller


NBC anchor Savannah Guthrie blasted Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti Monday morning, asking him why the former porn star hasn’t come forward with evidence she may have against President Donald Trump.

Guthrie asked Avenatti why Daniels does not just turn over the evidence, which would allegedly prove that she had an affair with Trump. The TODAY show interview comes one day after Daniels’ interview with “60 Minutes.”

“You were here almost three weeks ago, and I asked if there was any evidence, documentary evidence, text messages, photo evidence that verified that Stormy Daniels had the affair that she claims she had. You said to me, ‘that’s a question Ms. Daniels will have to ultimately answer.’ Cut to last night, she’s asked directly about this on “60 Minutes” and she says my attorney has instructed me not to answer. So does this or doesn’t she have the evidence?” Guthrie asked Avenatti.

Stormy’s attorney responded by saying it is not the right time to release all of the evidence, saying they are in the “early stages of this case.”

“Again, we’re not going to get into the details of everything we have at this time and there’s a reason for that. We’re in the early stages of this case. we understand the American people want all the information right now immediately. It would make no sense for us to play our hand, as to this issue, and we’re not going to do it right now,” Avenatti responded.

“Why not? This is the very moment you need to do it, she has denied it three times. She has stated this affair didn’t happen. Isn’t this the very moment she should come forward and as you might say, put up or shut up, if she has this evidence?” Guthrie continued.

Avenatti clearly was not happy with the question, defending Daniels by saying she sat down with “a major journalist” and answered “some very tough questions” the night before on television.

“Put up or shut up? She sat down with a major journalist and answered some very tough questions. Where is Mr. Cohen? Is he coming on after me, I don’t think so? Where is President Trump? Is he coming on after me? She’s answered some very difficult questions. We’re not going to play our hand right now, and the reason is cause we have a case to win,” Avenatti said.

Guthrie, said Avenatti was “being coy” and that it seems like he was “playing games.”

“Wait a minute Michael, you tweeted a picture of a DVD or a CD suggesting that there would be more evidence, that’s the suggestion right, you don’t disagree, and now you’re being coy and not saying it, seems like you’re playing games,” Guthrie said.

lost in melb.
03-27-2018, 01:37 PM
Milking it for all is worth... Well at least you can't say it a liberal trying to take him down