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View Full Version : Feminist prof says trigger warnings ‘imperative’ for learning

Teh One Who Knocks
04-11-2018, 11:01 AM
Toni Airaksinen, New York Campus Correspondent - Campus Reform


A self-described “feminist” professor at New York University is urging colleagues to use trigger warnings in the classroom, arguing that they are “imperative” to critical thinking skills.

“Trigger warnings and the unformulated experience” was published in the latest issue of the journal Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Society by Nirit Gordon, who teaches classes on educational psychology and counseling skills for both undergraduate and grad students.

In her essay, Gordon hypothesizes that trigger warnings are widely dismissed and criticized not because they’re inherently problematic, but because society pressures people to “dissociate” from their emotional side, and that trigger warnings detract from that.

While she acknowledges that “it could be argued that the debate here is about the psychic fragility of college students who refuse to confront issues,” Gordon argues that the underlying issue is actually “the fear of instructors to permit the personal to enter the classroom.”

Further, Gordon frames criticism of trigger warnings as a form of misogyny, since “emotional proclivities are equated with femininity,” and thus, the use of trigger warnings is but one way emotions can appear in the classroom.

“Feminist theory argues that the division between the public and the private is rooted in a patriarchal narrative” Gordon explains, later adding that it is the duty of educators to “resist the false dichotomy that allows only thoughts, and not emotions, in the classroom.”

The use of trigger warnings—which would help allow more emotional content in the classroom—would especially help minority students, Gordon argues.

“Returning to trigger warnings, it is important to keep in mind that many students advocating for trigger warnings are saying that they must navigate the world as a member of a marginalized group,” she writes, adding that colleges are “historically white and male.”

Gordon concludes by arguing that “trigger warnings have become a symbol of voices wishing to be heard. These are voices from which we dissociate, but we know they exist.”

Campus Reform reached out to Gordon for comment, but did not receive a response. Her article was published in a special issue of Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Society dedicated to the controversy over safe spaces and trigger warnings.

lost in melb.
04-11-2018, 06:07 PM
Por favor... What are trigger warnings?

Teh One Who Knocks
04-11-2018, 06:12 PM
Por favor... What are trigger warnings?


lost in melb.
04-12-2018, 08:32 AM
A sensible female voice talking about my university (which I left last year)

Newcastle University associate professor Marguerite Johnson has never shied away from warning students when particularly explicit material was coming up.

But while she considers herself a progressive educator, she too objects to the idea of a university administration codifying when trigger warnings are to be given.

For a start, she thinks Monash University's threshold of "emotionally distressing" sets the bar ridiculously low.

"Life is potentially inevitably, regularly, emotionally distressing," she said.

"The world is emotionally distressing and I find it quite absurd that the universities may see themselves as the guardians of emotionally distressing situations.

"We are not preparing them for the real world."

She believes warning students about texts interrupts the way they approach and interpret works.

"If we are warning them all the time, then we are creating a preconceived notion that this material is going to upset me," Associate Professor Johnson said.
