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View Full Version : Hillary Clinton claimed 'they were never going to let me be president,' new book says

Teh One Who Knocks
04-21-2018, 11:04 AM
By Elizabeth Zwirz | Fox News


Hillary Clinton lamented that "they were never going to let me be president" on election night in 2016, a new book detailing her White House bids claims.

The Daily Beast obtained book excerpts of “Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling."

The book reportedly references Clinton’s September 2016 comments -- she said that half of Trump supporters could be put into a “basket of deplorables.” The comments were reportedly not the first, as “Hillary always broke down Trump supporters into three baskets,” New York Times reporter Amy Chozick’s book claimed, according to The Daily Beast.

The first group was allegedly made up of Republican supporters who didn’t like Clinton and would always vote along party lines, the outlet said.

Basket No. 2 reportedly included what Clinton allegedly described as those “who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens in their lives and their futures.”

And Basket No. 3 was reportedly made up of “deplorables,” which allegedly included “the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it,” the outlet said.

The book also claimed that of the multiple candidates vying for the GOP nomination, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush reportedly concerned the Clintons the most, The Daily Beast said.

In the early stages of the presidential race, Trump was reportedly not perceived by the campaign as a threat, but rather as somewhat of a competitor to rally behind, The Beast said. That line of thinking reportedly continued even as he gained popularity.

“An agenda for an upcoming campaign meeting sent by [Campaign Manager] Robby Mook’s office asked, ‘How do we maximize Trump?’” Chozick reportedly wrote, according to The Beast.

After Trump scored the Republican nomination, the Clinton camp reportedly worked toward improving her popularity, the cited book excerpts claimed.

According to the book, during one conversation on the subject, Clinton reportedly said, “You know, I am getting pretty tired of hearing about how nobody likes me.”

And on election night in November, The Daily Beast said Chozick wrote that when Mook was allegedly tasked with notifying Clinton of the results, she reportedly replied: “I knew it. I knew this would happen to me …” the Daily Beast said.

“They were never going to let me be president,” Clinton was reportedly quoted as saying.

The book will be released on Tuesday.

04-21-2018, 01:18 PM

04-21-2018, 04:16 PM

04-21-2018, 11:10 PM
If by "they" she means the American people...
... well enough said.

04-22-2018, 05:14 AM
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

lost in melb.
04-22-2018, 08:31 AM
So r u guys Basket #2 or 3? Thnx


04-22-2018, 09:08 AM
I voted for Trump because the Clintons are like deplorable Thanksgiving dinner guests. They stay way too long, and the first thing you have to do when they finally leave is count the good silverware.

lost in melb.
04-22-2018, 10:24 AM
Haha. Referring to them taking white house furniture when they left. Disgusting.

Still think Bill was an ok President ( although he was patently unfit to be President)