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View Full Version : Law School Official Arrested In Ongoing Probe Involving ‘Several Million Dollars Of Questionable Expenses’ — So Of Course There Are Hooters Receipts

Teh One Who Knocks
05-08-2018, 11:27 AM
By Joe Patrice - Above the Law


University of Texas Law’s former facilities director, Jason Shoumaker, was arrested Thursday on six charges of tampering with government records. Specifically, Shoumaker is accused of tampering with his time sheets to log full 8-hour days at work while he was, apparently, regularly galavanting around Vegas and Cozumel.

As fireable offenses go, the most impressive is always the full Cooper Harris — don’t go to work, continue answering messages as though you are, and see how long you can drag it out. I knew a Biglaw attorney who just ghosted and it took weeks for the firm to figure it out. According to the Tribune story, Shoumaker managed to pull it off for over a year.

“Everything ok?” the colleague wrote to Shoumaker on April 3, 2017, according to the affidavit.

“Yes, on my way to work,” Shoumaker texted in response. In fact, Shoumaker was likely in Las Vegas that day, the document says – citing a flurry of charges to his card that included $44.20 at a Hooters Restaurant and $81.00 for a professional massage.

Without fail, if a law school official gets tagged for wrongdoing, there’s a Hooters charge involved. Vegas was only one of the locales Shoumaker allegedly visited while claiming to work. The Virgin Islands, Miami, and Cozumel are also at play in the prosecution’s case. But this might still just scratch the surface of the trouble here.

Shoumaker isn’t accused at this time of using university money to finance these trips, the Texas Tribune cites a source familiar with the Travis County DA’s probe claiming that Shoumaker is “at the heart of a major fraud investigation – one that potentially involves ‘several million dollars of questionable expenses,'” which doesn’t sound encouraging.

Everything’s bigger in Texas, I suppose.

05-08-2018, 03:16 PM

Teh One Who Knocks
05-08-2018, 03:19 PM
He could have been working from his laptop at Hooters [-(

05-08-2018, 03:27 PM
They have the best wifi

05-09-2018, 01:08 AM
It's always Hooters receipts isn't it :lol:

I'm so paranoid about business expenses I always get a separate bill for the beer and pay it out of pocket. Apparently it's an unwritten rule that one with dinner on trips is fine, but I'm not fucking around with it if it's not in the HR manual :lol:

05-09-2018, 02:35 AM
$17/person for alcohol is allowable for me on business related meals :lol:

makes it difficult when you are hosting someone that wants an $80 bottle for a table of 4 :|

05-09-2018, 02:49 AM
$17/person for alcohol is allowable for me on business related meals :lol:

makes it difficult when you are hosting someone that wants an $80 bottle for a table of 4 :|

:lol: That's a very specific number

05-09-2018, 03:12 AM
don't ask me how they came to that specific number :shrug:

05-09-2018, 03:16 AM
don't ask me how they came to that specific number :shrug:

Ours is the same really... it's like $7.25 recommended for solo lunches on trips and $13 for dinners if you're not entertaining clients? Not easy to do when you're in some random town and there aren't any options so thankfully payroll never questions when you go a bit over. Plus, for some reason the gas millage they pay is way too generous so you make up for it there :lol:

05-09-2018, 03:19 AM
when we go over on alcohol or the allowable per diem, that is out of pocket expense :x

05-09-2018, 03:22 AM
Oh damn they're strict eh! I guess I get it ... the guys at work tell me about the old days when they'd order everyone enormous sushi boats or steaks and bottles of wine :lol:

A few years back an asian broker took a few of us for dim sum and the last thing he ordered was fucking Geoduck congee. Not only did it look like a bowl of cum with a severed cock in it, but it cost more than the rest of the meal combined :lol: I was SO thankful when he refused to let us get that cheque.

05-09-2018, 03:26 AM
yep, it is pretty strict here, but with >30k employees, it is necessary. when we take visiting guests out, it is more flexible on the per diem, but that comes out of my discretionary budget :shrug:

it is a system that you just have to get used to, i am sure all employers have their own policies that need abiding to :lol: