View Full Version : Blair trying to 'SUBVERT democracy' as he repeatedly calls for second Brexit vote, says MP

Teh One Who Knocks
10-03-2018, 11:43 AM
By Charlotte Davis - The Express


BREXITEER Priti Patel has launched a scathing attack on former Prime Minister Tony Blair for attempting to “subvert the will of the public” by repeatedly calling for a second Brexit referendum.

The MP for Witham ridiculed attempts by prominent Remainers to “package up” a second Brexit referendum as a so-called People’s Vote.

Speaking on LBC, Ms Patel said: “The great proponents of a second referendum, a People’s Vote, are the likes of Tony Blair, Lord Mandelson, the very individuals that denied the British public a referendum at the time of the infamous Lisbon Treaty.

“Having promised the British people a referendum, they said no, there was a lot of lecturing there – ‘we know best’.

“Of course, they’re now out there trying to subvert the will of the public and democracy by putting out those ideas all over again.”

Writing in the Evening Standard in September, Tony Blair said: “There have been two years of frankly fruitless negotiations. We are not agreed with Europe or among ourselves.”

He added that the “problem with Brexit is Brexit because there is no resolution”.

Mr Blair also claimed the case for a so-called people’s vote is “overwhelming” and “the real betrayal” in Britain would be in the country refusing a second referendum.

Speaking from Salzburg last month, Prime Minister Theresa May shut down calls for a second Brexit referendum.

Mrs May said: “I know that for many of you Brexit is not something you want but it's important to be clear there will be no second referendum in the UK.

"The public has delivered its verdict and I as Prime Minister will deliver upon that - the UK will leave on the 29th of March next year.

"I believe I have put forward serious and workable proposals. We will of course not agree on every detail but hopefully, you will respond in kind.

"The onus is now on all of us to get this deal done."

The Labour Party has adopted a new vague position on Brexit which sees the party keeping "all options open" if the Brexit deal does not pass through Parliament, which could include calling for a second referendum.

10-03-2018, 02:13 PM
Fuck off Blair

Teh One Who Knocks
10-03-2018, 02:23 PM
You need to keep voting until you get it right :nono:

10-03-2018, 03:02 PM
Best 4 out of 7..?

10-03-2018, 03:36 PM
They must not have understood what they were voting for, lets try again

Teh One Who Knocks
10-03-2018, 04:26 PM
They do word them so that they are pretty confusing....Leave or Remain can be easily mixed up :confused:

Hikari Kisugi
10-03-2018, 05:06 PM
They must not have understood what they were voting for, lets try again

They didn't. Some of them still don't.
I hope now we get a fully hard Brexit, so people will understand just what an utterly retarded decision we've been left with.