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View Full Version : 'Doctor Strange' director explodes in tirade over 'redneck a--hole' relative who supports Trump, NRA

Teh One Who Knocks
12-27-2018, 12:53 PM
By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times


Disney CEO Bob Iger can add “Doctor Strange” director Scott Derrickson to the list of hired creators issuing broadsides against President Trump.

Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, “Avengers” director Joss Whedon and a handful of other famous faces associated with the Marvel Cinematic Universe have come out swinging against the president since 2016, but Mr. Derrickson turned it up a notch for Christmas.

“Post-dinner chat with my NRA-supporting, AR-15 defending, Trump-voting, ignoramus brother-in-law was all good and friendly until I had to make clear to that redneck a—hole motherf–er that he has the blood of many children on his hands,” the writer and director tweeted Tuesday. “That’s what Christmas is for, right?”

“Many Twitter followers were confused as to why he would turn his Christmas Twitter feed into an expletive-laced tirade over politics,” one person responded.

“I love that you think you were the good guy in this story. I feel bad for your sister,” added another.

“Has anyone rudely insulting you ever changed your mind, even if they were correct?” asked a third. “No one is willing to extend grace any more. Hate will not drive out hate, only love will do that.”

The director later claimed that he doesn’t “hate” anyone.

“I don’t hate anyone,” he countered. “Those empowering inhumane ideologies deserve my ire. Silence would be complicity.”

“Doctor Strange,” which was released in 2016, grossed nearly $680 million around the globe.

12-27-2018, 04:11 PM
Why do these guys not want people to go see their movies?

12-27-2018, 05:12 PM
I just stopped watching all of them..:lol:

12-27-2018, 05:32 PM
But Doctor Strange was my favorite growing up. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

12-27-2018, 05:53 PM
This is exactly what I have been saying.

“I don’t hate anyone,” he countered. “Those empowering inhumane ideologies deserve my ire. Silence would be complicity.”

It's not hate if he defines any contrary opinion as evil. That's how "hate has no home here" is rationalized. It's illogical nonsense, but they have no issue with aggressively adhering to that.

Part of me says the horse is out of the barn and the barn's on fire. He ain't going back in. I just.... I am not sure this is reversible.

12-27-2018, 06:10 PM
If they all disappear late one night, no one remaining will notice they're gone when they wake up in the morning. They'll probably even have a good, stress-less day without realizing it.