View Full Version : Identical twin sisters test popular DNA ancestry kits and get differing results

01-24-2019, 07:14 AM
I've had suspicions about these things for a while..


01-24-2019, 06:55 PM
Me too. DNA history tracing is pretty specific science.

Give us a hundred bucks and oh yes you're Russian/Nepalese with a hint of Kenyon :tup:

01-24-2019, 07:08 PM
I gave my mom one of those tests for Christmas. The 23 and Me. She's been asking for a kit for several years now. I just sent her an email with the video in it. I hope she's not heartbroken.

01-24-2019, 10:02 PM
Interesting video. "They only look at 700000 sections of DNA". That still seems like a lot of cell checking for 49.95 :-k

I liked some of the terms...at the continental level, broadly European :lol:

I think the most telling factor was the guy at the end and some of those statements. "They're saying there are biological borders or families and that's scientifically wrong." And the part about us sharing 99% of genetic markers.

Guess I'm a skeptic because of the twins in the video getting a hodge-podge of results and their known Italian heritage getting reduced. I did think the one test that gave almost the same percentage in all categories for both girls pretty neat, but then again those results seemed to get their actual heritage wrong.