Katie Everett, Texas Campus Correspondent - Campus Reform

The University of Kansas announced an art contest titled “But the Chicken’s good…?”

The Sexuality and Gender Diversity Faculty & Staff Council and the KU Department of Visual Art are hosting the contest in March.

“In light of the controversy over the installation of Chick-fil-A in the Kansas memorial union, the SGDFS council would like to open up a campus conversation about the meaning of the brand” flyers said.

The "guiding theme" of the contest is “But the chickens good...?” and both undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit submissions that “explore...what the presence of Chick-fil-A on campus signifies to them.” The flyer also advertises prizes.

“Some members of KU’s community have felt alienation and anger over the University's financial investment in a company whose owner has expressed virulent homophobic views; others cite allegiance to the food’s tastiness or the lack of other inexpensive options,” reads the flyer.

There has been outrage on Kansas’ campus ever since the announcement that construction for a new Chick-fil-A would begin on campus. This art contest will perpetuate that conversation.

In a letter to the school, the faculty accused the company of discrimination toward the LGBTQ community. It argues that the highly visible Chick-fil-A on campus could harm the "physical, emotional, and mental well being of marginalized and LGBTQ people."

Chick-fil-A is known for its Judeo-Christian values, most notably being closed on Sunday, the Christian Sabbath. Chick-fil-A’s conservative Christian president, Dan Cathy, has expressed his personal opposition to same-sex marriage, citing his Christian faith.